Chapter 1: Can I help you?

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Levi Ackerman is a vampire.
He has seen alot. Heard alot and lived alot.

Currently he is sitting on the top of a building in... hmm. Lets say Tokyo. No Maria. Though it looks like Tokyo. It's a big city. Anywho! He sits on the top of a building, staring out over the colourful city.

"They don't rest..." he mutters, humming into the night air and staring at the cars that remind him of the ants he used to watch here before it was bulldosed to make room for buildings and roads.

'Like ants... they make their work, their lives only so they can keep living the cycle that is short lived'.

Levi hums, reciting poetry in his head. He has always been fond of it. It was Something his mother taught him. Though she died when he was but a human boy.
For a long time he has had no friends. There are a few humans he knows. A few vampires he knows but Levi prefers to be the lone wolf. Or vampire in this instance.

Ehem. Background on vampires for this story!

Vampires are pretty much like the vampire diaries vampires. They cant drink vervain. Which is a plant that burns vampires, and they can't go into the sun without a daylight ring. A stake to the heart will kill a vampire but taking out its heart completely will kill it too. Snapping its neck, slitting its throat, ect. Will temperarily kill it but it'll just wake up because theyre pretty immortal
I think that's all for now...
Back to the sucker on the roof.

"Tch" Levi scowls and sniffs the air. He can smell bleeding, but Levi has already fed and won't need to feed again in a while.
Though the thought of eating does bring pleasure to him, he is having his alone time. He gazes out into the night air, dark and cold as his heart.

Eren Jaeger is a human. NOT a vampire. If he was he would be feasting on a human morsel. Instead he feasts on a burger and fries. A thing about humans. They don't live to be an endless number of years old. No, this brat is only nineteen. He lives in the Maria area, in a flat at the highest floor of the Maria wall apartments skyscraper. Floor 8.

He's pretty average. Nothing special, but he knows they exist, Vampires. He knows little about them but their existence is not hidden from him. He knows alright. It was a Vamp that killed his mother. And a vamp his father had become. He was parentless, but being so he has always been on high alert, and looks forward to killing the one who had destroyed his family.
Since their deaths he was filled with a burning flame of hatred for all vampires.

"Goodbye, Armin" Eren bids a farewell to his best friend heading to his apartment.

"Goodbye, Eren. Be up for work tommorow!" The blue eyed blonde calls, laughing and walking away to his own home, leaving Eren to head up the elevator and into his apartment with a sigh. He drops his house key on the bench and runs a hand through his messy brown hair, tired from the long day of working.

It's at times like these he enjoys standing out on the balcony. To feel the cool breeze calm him and let the weight of the day drift off like it has wings.
His tired feet carry him to the balcony where he sits down and sighs, relaxing his legs.
The busy world is so much quieter when up high. Wind in his face is a bliss and he soon relaxes staring out over the balcony watching the cars zoom around.

'Why do I feel... like im being watched?'

The peacful silence becomes eeri as Eren looks around for someone watching him. The strange presence makes him feel vulnerable. And with good reason, because from above, Levi wooshes into the shadows and peeks over the edge of the building. Glancing down at the young male.
He looks around Levi's human age. The age he died. Levi was twenty when he was turned into a vampire and to this day he doesnt look a day over it.

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