I glared at him. "Aris, I hate you. I hate you, just go to hell, like please. And stop singing these songs, like actually we are just friends."

"You and that boy are never ever simply just friends. Not with the way your eyes light up, when you talk about him and the way you blush - like you do right now," he enumerated.

I somehow managed to get away from my family and made it in time to the street, where I agreed with Newt to meet up around fifteen minutes before school started. Only seconds later after I arrived I saw him jogging down the street - he was certainly fitter than I was, even though he had that accident, which kind of destroyed his knee.

"Sorry, but my mum wanted to talk to me about school this morning and then she kinda forgot that school starts at eight am, not nine am," he explained, immediately linking arms with me. "So you lead the way, I am still lost, most of the time."

I nodded, as we started walking down the street. On both sides of the street there were occasionally shops and cafes, which made me hungry and I wanted something drink.

"What do you think of buying a coffee before school? There's this really nice cafe that sells the best hot chocolate like actually, we usually spent hours there, when it's winter or summer or holidays. Like basically whenever we have time," I suggested, as I recognised the cafe, I had spent my whole life.

"Yeah, that would be amazing," Newt agreed quickly and looked around, his eyes glancing around like he could still not believe what he was seeing. 

"It is called Cup o' Joe and is especially for lgbtq+ youth, they like try to host events and generally pride stuff," I explained, as we were heading towards the entrance of the cafe. "It's really great and also opens early, so you can get the first hot chocolate on your way to school."

"It sounds amazing," Newt told me with a soft smile, as we entered the cafe and I already recognised a familiar barista - Lexa. She was the one who had set up this whole cafe in the first place, together with her fiancé Clarke. (They both were by the way simply completely relationship goals, they were probably my OTP.)

"Okay, so the drinks are named after lgbt+ activists or just generally cool people who fight for equality," I told him. "But apart from one. There's one drink, that's the rainbow chocolate and it is the best thing ever. Like if you want to, I'll buy you one."

"I can buy it very well by myself, Tommy," he told, seeming to be uncomfortable, when I suggested that. However if I invited him there, I wouldn't let him pay for it.

"It's fine, you can take over the next round," I said without thinking what I was saying there.(Again, I should really think about what I said rather than just talking without thinking about even a second.)

"Well, okay," Newt gave in and smiled at, as he laid his head on my shoulder, while we waiting quietly in the line, to order. "This is almost like queuing in Britain, I basically feel like I am at home."

I giggled quietly, as we moved forward in the line, until we finally stood in front of the till. "Hey, Lexa," I greeted her with a smile. "Two rainbow chocolates to go for us, please."

She smiled back at me. "I missed you all, you should come over again sometime and that's a new face, I see." Her eyes laid on Newt.

"I'm Newt, a friend of Thomas, we go to the same school," he introduced himself, his head still softly placed on my shoulder, which caused Lexa to wiggle her eyebrows at us with a smirk.

Lexa prepared our drinks quickly, placing a rainbow heart on top of both of them. "Well then, enjoy and I hope to see you again."

"Bye, it was nice meeting you," Newt said with a smile and we both waved at Lexa as a good bye, while we left the cafe. 

"I think we have to hurry up, before we will be late for school, we only got five minutes left," I told Newt shocked, as I looked at the clock on my phone. 

"Well then, let's go, you lead the way," Newt told me with a smile, grabbing my hand confidently. "Hopefully our drinks won't be spilled that would be bad."

Before I could say anything else I just nodded and lead Newt the streets along to school. We were running so quickly that we would hopefully be somehow still on point at school. 

"Tommy, we will be late," Newt shouted, while we were only one street away from our school, however that still meant around five minutes. 

"No we won't. We share the first period and the teacher is usually late, it'll be fine and now we have only like two minutes left, so please just stop talking," I told him and hand in hand we ran the last few metres to school.

We were still a little bit late, since you just couldn't make it from Cup o' Joe  to the school in five minutes - that was physical not possible.

Chiming into the classroom, I recognised that the lesson still started - and that I was still holding Newt's hand. We seemed to be out of breath, which totally let everyone think the wrong thing. I couldn't find myself to care though. 

(Minho wasn't in that class, just as all of our other friends, so that was nothing to worry about... fortunately. Now I just had to hope that nobody of the people in the class would spread rumours about Newt and I, that was the last thing I wanted.)

"And you two gentlemen are late because?" our teacher demanded with a glare at us. His name was Mr James and well... he really wanted everybody to be on time, even though he most of the time wasn't on time. 

And exactly this time, where we were late, he was on time, great...

"The bus didn't come at all, or maybe ran late, so we had to walk and that takes a lot longer," I replied quickly, letting go of Newt's hand, as I felt everybody's eyes on us - or our intertwined hands. 

"Well then sit down you two lovebirds," he said with a wink. 

I didn't even want to correct him, instead I just nodded and gestured Newt to take our seats in the middle of the class. That could have gone a lot worse...


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