Chapter Fifty Four ~ Photos Niall Sent To Me

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"Okay, so Greg just texted saying that they'd meet us at the Dunkin' Donuts near the exit, so we need to go through luggage claim ourselves." Niall said, looking down at his phone. I nodded and said that was fine.

                By the time we got to luggage claim I was starting to really worry. I need them to like me. I can't have them not liking me. I'll be here for about five days and if they don't like me it would be so awkward. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw my pink suitcase. I grabbed it and pulled it off the conveyer belt. Niall found his green one moments later and set it next to mine.

"Ni?" I asked, grabbing his arm. He turned around, looking down at me. His blue eyes were filled with excitement.  I trailed my hand down his arm till I reached his hand and then intertwined our fingers.

"Uh... do... are they going to like me?" I asked.

                Niall gave me a sympathetic look before pulling me into a hug. My arms locked around his waist and his were over my arms. This was helping to calm my nerves. Not enough for me to start being excited and whatnot, but knowing that Niall's here for me does help a lot.

"They're going to love you because I love you. Trust me, honey, they're going to love you just as much as I do. Well, not really. No one can love you as much as I do." Niall said, leaving a kiss on my forehead. I nodded, not saying anything.

"You're worrying over nothing Elizabeth." Niall added, laughing at the end. I pulled away and shoved his arm, telling him not to call me by my whole name. God, it's so long and just... no.

"C'mon Liz, baby. We need to go before fans spot us." Niall said, looking around.

                Shit, he's right. If fans spot us we'll be in a pickle. Ha, that's such a stupid expression. Anyway I grabbed my suitcase and looked back up at Niall. He smiled and leaned down, kissing me and then telling me not to worry so much.

"I'll calm down. Let's just go or I'll get even more nervous about being seen." I said, making Niall laugh. He grabbed the suitcase and carry on, telling me he was ready to go.

"Do you want me to take that? I feel bad having you carry all that stuff." I said, looking at the two things he was carrying.

"No, I'm not going to make you carry this shit. Then I'd feel bad. C'mon, I want to go see them." Niall said, whining at the end.

                I laughed and told him we should go then, which made him laugh. As nervous as I am about this, I'm happy to see that smile on his face. It's amazing. Yes, I see that smile all the time but it's even more amazing then normally. He's seeing his family that he hasn't seen in a long time. It's nice to watch this side of him come out.

                We made our way through the airport we got spotted. A couple of fans came up and asked for autographs. Pictures were taken, hugs were given out. It wasn't that bad because there were just a few of them. But in all honesty, I don't mind. I love signing things and since Directioners have gotten used to me being with Niall it's not as bad. We actually get compliments, sort of like how people are with Zayn and Perrie. Or Liam and Sophia.

                It's a lot better than before actually. Before I'd get people calling me names. But it was never really that bad. Sure, there was hate. But because of all the videos I've been in, all the interviews, my performances on the X Factor, the fans know me a lot more. They know me more than they could ever know about Sophia or hell, even Eleanor or Danielle. Sure they haven't been in the picture for a long time now, but still.

"Look, there they are." Niall said, snapping me out of my thoughts. There were a few photographers, but they were keeping their distant. Thank God.

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee ElOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora