Chapter 7

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When we pulled up to the school,
My the smile I was keeping droppped.

Standing outside the front doors was the Heather's and Veronica.
They stood there and took us all in, that bugged me yes.
But what made me even more insecure.
Was how long Veronicas eyes stayed on JD.
I liked Veronica,
But she wasn't getting anywhere near him.

JD stopped the bike and helped me get off, then his hand slid around to my back and he pulled me closer to him.
"You know, I could just put you on my bike and drive away. Have a little us day you know? You could always ask your new friend Veronica to write you a absent note."

I smiled up at him then kissed his cheek,
As much as I wanted that,
I couldn't start off my new year that way.
Maybe another day though.

"That s-sounds great actually. But I cant miss the second day of school JD"
He tightened his grip to pull me even closer, then I felt his mouth near my ear.

"Who said I was asking babygirl, I could just make you come with me"
His voice sent shivers down my spine,
The way he said it was just
I smirked and turned so we were chest to chest.

"Funny how you think i-im that easy to take down, you'll learn soon enough. I put up a hell of a fight."
He smiled and kissed my neck swiftly, causing heat to radiate there.

"That's hot"
I let out a snort then quickly covered my mouth and nose.
I couldn't help it, JD never talked like that and it was funny!

He pulled me in for a hug and let out a sigh.
"To be honest, I want you to come with me because I wont be here for the next two days to make sure these other dudes leave you alone. I dont trust them"

I laughed and hugged him tighter,
So does that mean were dating now?
I mean.
I don't understand guys.
But does all that jealousy mean that were dating or not?

"You don't have to worry about those j-jerks. They won't mess with me knowing that you'll find them. And even if they do, like I said. I can put up one hell of a fight."

He sighed as we pulled apart and mummbled somthing quickly under his breath.

It was probably some dumb or smartass comment knowing him,
But I still wanted to know...

"Nothing (y/n)"
I pointed a finger into his chest and pushed a little ways away from him,
He was gonna get all the sass now.

"Jason Dean, what did you say?"
He held his hands up like I had a gun to him or something and kept his eyes on the ground.
"You'll put up a long as they don't say anything about your stutter.."

My jaw dropped. I never expected that to come out of his mouth.
I know its true...
But still.

I rubbed my wrists quickly, trying not to scratch at them.
And I let his words echo around my head, while I searched for a smartass comeback.
But i couldn't find one.

His face softened,
And he pulled me into a hug,
His arms wrapped tightly around me.
But my hands stayed laying on my sides.

"Im sorry...I just. Don't want you to hurt yourself. Cause if one jerk says the wrong thing while im not here to stop you or him, and you do something to hurt yourself. It'll be my fault.."

My arms wrapped around him finally and I smiled into his neck,
"I promise JD. I wont do anything. Ill control it."

He didn't have time to respond though,
Cause that familiar voice of the evil bitch of the west filled my ears.

"Hey (y/n)"
Then the other two heather's said the same.
Can they not be carbon copies for like five minutes?

JD and I broke apart,
But his arm still stayed hooked around my waist.

"Hey guys, oh this is-"

"you're boyfriend?"
The Yellow Heather interrupted me.
And my face went insta red as their eyes traveled from his hand on my waist, to his shirt on my body.

I went to reply when he spoke up,
"Yeah. Im Jason Dean. But everyone calls me JD so I guess you guys can too"

A fake and empty smile crossed all the girls faces, including Veronica's. And she was the next to speak up.

"The thing you pulled in the Cafe yesterday was pretty extreme."
I rolled my eyes,
If only she had been there and heard the whole thing.
Extreme my ass.

"Ive learned the extreme tends to make an impression."

Red Heather smirked.
"It does indead."

The bell rang and I turned to JD,
His dark eyes absorbed mine and I smiled wildly.
"Pick me up after school?"
He smirked and pushed a strain of my hair behind my ear,
"Of course baby."

He smiled as he leaned down and pulled me into a deep kiss,
Deeper then I would have liked the girls to see. But oh well, gives me good rep I hope.

We pulled apart and I gave him one last peck on the lips before I started to walk off with the girls.
"So I made my decision."

Green heather turned back first, then after a mean glare for red heather turned away quickly.

I took a deep breath. Was I ready for this?

"I think im ready to be a heather."
All the girls smiled, the Red heather smirked.
"Well if you're gonna be one of us now, we gotta make you look the part."
I raised an eyebrow when she pulled out a black blazer from her bag.
"I had a feeling you'd say yes, so I came prepared. You'll need to wear a lot of black from now on. You can so that right?"

I nodded and took the blazer from her arms.
At least she picked a color I like huh?
I mean,
If I had got yellow like the other Heather,
I personally would have mixed a little something into red heather's drink to make her throw up all over her own blazer.
(Ahahahahaha im so funnyyyyy)


The day up until lunch was great,
Everyone smiled at me. No one was rude.
And I even got asked out a couple times,
Until they realized who my boyfriend was. Then they literally ran actually.

I walked up to see the heather's laughing to Veronica. This couldn't be good.

"what's up guys?"
Yellow heather took a note from veronica's had and ran halfway across the lunchroom.

Veronica sighed and looked at me,
But red heather spoke before she could.
"Just watch, (y/n). you'll see when the magic happens"

Well I saw something alright.
And it took every bone in my body not to stop what was going on.
Fuck all these bitches.

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