No Chance

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Standing just inside the office still clutching the handle of the wide open door, I glared at the gorgeous hunk of manhood sat behind the desk, one leg crossed over the other, leaning back in his leather chair with both hands behind his neck holding his head forward and his handsome face sporting a large smirk that said gotcha.

Now I was really pissed having had to endure his arrogance in the coffee shop, then to dress up, hang around in this place reading crap magazines, to interview for a job I didn't want or was un-likely to get and now Mrs Gorman is either a cross dressing transvestite that looks sexy as a man or I had been hoodwinked.

"Well, well, well, it seems we meet again Miss...." At this point he uncrossed his legs and leant forward to look at my resume on the desk.

"McKenna, but this time I have the table"

Releasing the handle and folding my arms across my chest I cocked my head to one side staring back at him.

"Well Mrs Gorman, I would stick to being a woman if I was you, the dressing up as a man doesn't quite suit you, but hey each to their own, now about this job...."

"It's ​yours you start tomorrow" he interupted.

Completely ignoring him mainly because I thought he was rude to talk over me and secondly I didn't actually believe what he was saying, I continued.

"I didn't want the job before I met you in the cafe, I didn't want it sat on my ass out there waiting beyond my agreed interview time and seeing you in here I definitely don't want it, oh and as for the table it's all yours, goodbye" and I turned to leave.

"Wait" he commanded and for some unexplained reason I did.

Turning back to face him I waited arm folded again and head cocked to one side, I raised my eyebrows in a 'go on then spill' kind of way.

"Why go to all this trouble if you​ didn't want the job?" He had a genuine frown on his face, trying to figure me out.

Good luck on that front matey, even I couldn't figure me out, so he stood no chance.

I let out a deep heart felt sigh.

"Look Mr whoever you are, I am in need of a job so I can pay my way, but receptionist is not my sort of thing, I do not have the social skills to deal with pretentious, snobby, arrogant jerks.
So I was already leaning towards a 'let's go home and forget' scenario and as you have seen my social skills first hand, then you cannot argue that I am right about this, so I'll leave and look for a waitressing job and you can go back to being Mrs Gorman and hire a bimbo Barbie receptionist, okay"

"Well Miss McKenna as I said congratulations you got the job"

"Have you not been listening to a word I've said, I don't want it"

"Well tough you've got it, or shall I put the word out that you are unemployable to all the restaurants and cafes in the area, then how will you pay your way Miss McKenna?"

"You wouldn't​ dare" I was really steaming now.

He leant forward and stared into my eyes neither one of us blinking.

"Try me"

I broke eye contact first by pacing around his office throwing my hands in the air.

"Are you nuts" I yelled "Do you want your customers to carry on doing business with you or not, because I can as sure as hell piss them off, in less time than you can scratch your ass"

"I am well aware of your social etiquette and I can assure you I have no intention of letting you near any poor unsuspecting clients of mine, however as you make a pretty tenacious guard dog, you will be my PA and fend off any unwanted visitors"

"I will, will I? Pretty bossy for someone I have no intention of working for, you and I do not get on, we have known each other less than two hours and we haven't said one kind word to each other yet, so can't you get it into your thick head, I don't want to work for you!"

"Well as I said if you don't work for me then I'll make sure you don't work for anyone else in this city, so get that into your thick head Miss McKenna"

"Why me, is it because I didn't jump up and give you my table, is that why?"

"Yes, now go and make sure you are here at eight sharp tomorrow morning or else"

"Or else what you will fire me? Sounds good to me"

"No I will come and fetch you"

"Yeah right, course you will, you and who's army"

He leant forward and his good humour slipped as his face morphed into an unreadable expression and his eyes bored into mine.

"Don't try my patience Miss McKenna, in about two hours time you will get a phone call from one of your government's agencies, I think that's what they are called and you will see you have no choice in this"

His whole demure then changed as he reclined back in his chair, his trademark smirk returning as he steepled his fingers in front of his face.

"You see Miss McKenna I always get what I want"

Angry and completely pissed off at this stage with his arrogance and crap he had just spouted, I moved over and placing my hands on the front off his desk leant forward and stared him in the eyes.

"And what makes you think I give a shit about what my government's ​agencies say, they cannot make me work for you willingly​, or prevent me from screwing up everything I touch and hey..."

Now I stood and waved my hands around in a carefree manner.

"A spot in a federal prison might be a holiday compared to working with you"

I'm sure I saw a quick flicker of uncertainty flash over his face as the smirk faltered for a second, before normal service was resumed and before he could say or do anything I turned and strode out holding my head up high.

Amber Rose McKenna one, asshole nil. I smiled.

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