The Capture

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This is just another day that team Voltron were fighting Zarkon's fleet once again. It's been about a year since the start of the war. In that time, Keith and Pidge began to have a stronger bond with one another. Everyday they would either talk about new ways to defeat Zarkon or conspiracy theories. Lance would always make fun of them saying things like "Hey WonderNerds!, Find a way to time travel yet?!". "No Lance," Keith and Pidge said in unison. "Go bother someone else for once."


"Keith do you copy!" Shiro said into his helmet as he sliced into a few galra Droids. "Yeah, I'm here, where are you?" Keith and Hunk were in there lions ready for battle just waiting for a signal. "Go! Now!" Shiro yelled.

The men flew there lions onto the ship and started to attack the soldiers helping Lance and Pidge as a distraction so Shiro can get back to his lion and form Voltron. Keith didn't tell Pidge but she was one of the closest members of the team to him.
"Hey! Let me go!" Pidge screamed as a unnamed galra commander grabbed her by her arms making it hard of her move. "Pidge!" Keith ran to her fighting the soldier. The ship started to shake, "guys, we have to go now! The ship is going to crash. If we want to live we have to go!" "WAIT!" Hunk yelled into his helmet, " We have to get Pidge and Keith!" But
It was too late, the two were out of site.


The two arms of Voltron were thrashing about while Keith fought back to save him and Pidge. " Do it, now..." The galra said with a grinning smirk and a raspy voice. Then all Keith saw was white gas then his vision got blurry. He saw Pidge fighting then he saw the other galra claw at her face, her helmet fell off, as he turned around Keith saw red then his eyes got surrounded in the darkness of unconsciousness....

Sorry this chapter is so short I'll try to make them longer. This is my first fanfic so I'm not the best writer (in my opinion) tell me what you think!
Also all the art work is mine you can see more of my art on the app Amino! It's a really fun and cool app that are made up of communities. The communities I'm in are Voltron, Steven Universe, cosplay and many more! Just look up specklefur on the first two and Amber on cosplay. Hope you enjoyed! ~Sapphirepidge

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