Chapter 2

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~This is the second chapter... Hope people will read it. Hope its good! Well so yeah... enjoy ma mind nonsence! Voila! ~

Chapter 2


"Stop" a low menacing voice rang out making me shiver.

I let out a breath and opened an eye. I almost laughed hysterically in relief to see the jagged claw inches from my untouched skin.

I was saved.

I dragged my eyes away from the hideous demon frozen over me as if turned to statue, the only thing that told me it wasn't was the rises and falls on its chest and the repulsive hot wet breaths I could feel on my skin. My gaze wandered to the door to see a boy... no...a man. His clothes were dark, black jeans, dark grey quarter sleeved shirt. Everything about him screamed dark. His good looks weren't fooling anyone. I know a demon when I see one. His boots crunched against the gravel from the roof as he slowly walked towards me with a smirk on his handsome face. I struggled to sit up but refused to show my pain and held my chin high. If he could give orders to a rank 5 demon and have it obey like that then he must be one pretty powerful demon. My hope that came when he told the other demon to stop vanished with a gut wrenching sinking feeling.

Maybe he told the other demon to stop because he wanted to kill me himself. ..

"Don't harm the meat suit" he grinned like the Cheshire cat.

...or maybe not. If he wasn't an evil demon I would have said his smile was kinda hot.. and if it was less damn creepy.

Theres nothing worse than being a rank 4 demons new outfit. I would rather die, I heard they had started stealing humans to farm them for possessions when new rank 4 demons come through the door from hell. My hand fumbled along the ground and found a large piece of sharp rubble, I gripped it tightly not caring that I hurt my own hand. As he approached he looked at me like he was picking a banana off the shelf in a supermarket.

"Yes, you will do" he spoke circling me. "Not too fat, seem athletic and healthy enough" he made it back to the front and this time his dark eyes really took me in eunning down the length of my body, his stare was so intense I felt like I was burning under it. "Your host will fix your pathetic human injuries" I shivered inwardly even thinking about having one of those monsters in me.

"Not to ugly either, maybe we could have some fun before I take you back" his hand reached out towards me and without thinking mine came out to, using the rock as a blade, I swung it round attempting to warn him off. The rock tore into his skin, slicing the flesh open, he inhaled quickly as a trail of blood slithered down his palm and dripped onto the floor. Rank 4 possessing demons dont bleed like that, they have black infected blood. The rank 5 howled out and came at me but the boy held up an uninjured hand to ward him off before smiling down at me. His good hand gripped my brown leather jacket and hauled me off my arse into the air so fast it made me dizzy.

Leaning in close he growled in my ear. "You shouldn't have done that love"

I whimpered out as is bloody hand extended towards my troat, he stopped as a surprised look crosed his face. He was looking down, and my eyes followed his line of veiw down my shirt at my cleavege. I squirmed to get out of his grasp and blushed slightly.

What the hell? I blushed!

He noticed and gave me a disgusted look. "You wish pest"

I tensed when he reached down and his hand enclosed around my blue stone leaving red patches on it.

"And where did you get this" he asked studying the rare stone in his fingers.

Worried he was going to take it I made a grab for it, my own blood covered hand reaching for his as he yelled at me.

"NO!" He screamed dropping me, but it was too late. Both our hands where wraped around the stone. I tried to pull away but my hand was glued to his with the stone tucked inside.

What the hell is happening? From his bewildered agrivated expression it was obvious he hadnt had anything to do with this. The stone started to get warm. And by warm I mean scorching. Like I had the sun in my hand. I screamed out and dropped to my knees taking him with me. The heat travelled up through my palm to the inside of my wrist I slumped forwards as my eyes closed and the pain stopped as darkness engulfed me.

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