There's no Love in War

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** Hey Bro's! First time posting a story so bare with me! I also never finish stories so if anyone likes it yell at me to write more! frist chapters are always a little boring so sorry for that. But honestly, its important! So please read it! Yeah... and so here it is... Voilà! **


Holding the crow bar in a shakey grasp, I wedged it between the wood and concrete of the boarded doorframe. The sky was red as the sun hid like the rest of us at night and if I stayed out any longer I would be in the dark. I was already clumsy and stupid. Lets not make me an easier target, I was not dying tonight.

A crack echoed through the abandoned street as the board gave way and I slipped through the opening into an empty house hoping the noise hadn't alerted anything near by of my presence. I kicked the wood closed behind me to make sure nothing followed me through, not that a wooden board would be that much of an obstacle. I got through didn't I. Striding through the house I tried to remember my fathers survival training. Find a secure room. Make sure you have more than one exit incase you need a quick escape. Know your surroundings. What are advantages and disadvantages of the building. And last but not least... weapons. Gather anything you could get your hands on. Because this was going to be a rough night. I could feel it.

Up the stairs I found a nice room with an on suite bathroom, the people who lived here seemed to have a decent income seeing as it was a nice enough place.

I wonder if they died screaming.

The main bedroom door led out into a hallway which was narrow but against the stair bannister which I could jump over and be lead to the front door.

Escape plan 1, slight chance of death, few injuries.

In the bathroom there was a small window which lead onto the roof and a near by tree could help me to the ground.

Escape plan 2, slight chance of death, higher chance of injuries.

Opening a wardrobe I found an empty clothes rack, i shook the bar as quietly as I could until it came loose. I grinned at my find, swinging the metal pole in the air in a threatening way and grunted when it hit me in on the side of the head.

"Great one Nora" I mumbled rubbing my head.

Well a 17 year old girl who was bearly 5, 5 was not that threatening. But i bet it would hurt if I swung it at one of those sons of a bitches head. Might even slow them down. But their getting more powerful, the more souls they steal and lives they take they get stronger.

Soon it will be ultimate hell on Earth.

And we are all going to die.

~ Two Years Ago ~


I sat back and watched him march around the office and I knew better than to mess with him when he is like this.

The large oak doors opened and different people i had never met shuffeled out, either looking annoyed or like Christmas came early.

Father Peter strolled out and my dad was on him in minutes his features which were like mine pulled into a frown.

"What did they say?" He asked.

"They are proceeding with the plan" Father Peter told him smugly.

"God dammit! Do they not understand what will happen? It's not just one door your opening, its both!" My father hissed pushing his hand roughly through his light brown hair, I noticed a few stress related grey hairs.

No Love in WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang