Chapter 1

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okay so this is the first book i ever wrote and my first book on this website. please tell me what you think and give honest opinions! vote pleaseeeeeeeeeee thanks

ohh and the girl in that picture is elisha!



Ugh….some days I wonder why I got an alarm so damn loud. It really gets real annoying and so irritating.

I slam my hand down on the end button and sat up.

My name is Elisha Gordon and I live in a small town called Daleville. I moved here with my aunt Cheryl two months after I was born because my mother’s friend couldn’t take care of me anymore. Yeah where's my mom? She’s dead. She died when I was born and nobody knows who or where my father is. People say that he and my mom were madly in love. Yea right. If they were so madly in love he would have been there for my birth or at least her damn funeral.

I climb out of bed and walk over to my closet. When i open it i glance around. Damn. I can’t find anything to wear today. I should have washed some of my clothes on washing day. Or at least an outfit.

All I can find is my black shirt that says “bite me” on it and some skinny jeans. If I wear my black pumps with it, it will look a little decent.

I got dress into the outfit I decided to wear today, grab my book bag and went down stairs. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

I pulled out my car keys from my ripped up book bag I had for 2 years. My aunt tells me that I should wear purses sometimes and be more lady like. Ugh just because I wear heels she expects me to wear purses too? I mean come on, don’t every girl wear heels? She’s barely even here because she has to work all the time, she don't really need to start bugging me about that. She already gave me chores to do, food to buy, and things to get for the house. Sometimes I really feel like the house keeper around here.

I looked down at my hands. I really need to repolish my nails. Since I’m always working on cars and things like that so my hands can get rough. Of course being me I don’t wear any pink. It’s way too girly. All I wear is red nail polish because it goes beautiful with my chocolate skin and my not too long black hair. My Aunt Cheryl is more of a pink type of girl. It goes good with her caramel skin I guess. On the days that she is here she tells me that I look a lot like my mom and how she always wore red just like I do.

I finish my cereal so I put my bowl in the sink and headed out the door. When I stepped outside I saw a man on a black motorcycle wearing a black leather jacket, sitting right across my house. I couldn’t see his face because he had on a helmet. He doesn’t look at all familiar to me so who could that be? I’ve seen him way too many times and this needs to stop. Of course it will be me to get a stalker of all people. I start to walk over to see who it is but he starts to drive off. Who does that? Weird.

Ohh well. I probably never see that creep again anyway. Hopefully.

I turn around get my car and start to drive to Katie house. Katie has been my best friend since kindergarten even though she is the total opposite of me. She has strawberry blond hair and is as skinny as a twig. I'm skinny but I have curves of course in all the right places just like any other develop teenage girl. She is also as white as snow. When we was little her nickname even use to be snow white. By the time she was old enough to get a tan she didn’t want one. She said she loves her complexion as much as I love mines and I can’t argue with her on that one.

Katie runs out the door when her mom calls after her yelling.

“Goodbye Katherine”

“Mom I told you to call me Katie” she says

“But that’s what I named you when you were born so I’ll call you by your birth name until the day you change it.” Her eyes went to my direction “Oh hello Elisha how’s your aunt?” Katie mom says with a big smile on her face as she flips her perfectly blond hair.

“She’s fine Mrs. Andes and I told you that you can call me Elli.”

“But that’s not your name you was born with” she yells back

She then turns around and shut the door. Katie rolls her eyes then jumps in the car and gave me a big hug.

“What was that for?” I asked her as I pushed her away.

“Because my birthday is tomorrow and I’m going to keep hugging you until I get what I want from you and that’s for you to wear a pink dress to my birthday party so we can match.”

“But I don’t wear pink. I really don’t do pink Katie and you know that. Why couldn’t you just do a different color like purple?”

“Because purple is your favorite color and pink is mines. Come on please…ill wear purple to your 18th birthday party next year.”

I know that she’s not going to let this go. I’ll do what I have to do to get her to shut up. 

“Fine. But I’m not going to like it.”

“I know” she said smiling

“You know sometimes I wonder why we became best friends.”

We both laugh as I pull off.

I’m not the only one who thinks that. Even though I was just joking everybody else talks about how the high school cheerleader ends up best friends with the town bad girl. “Well we have a lot in common” Katie tells people that when they ask her. Nobody ask me that question anymore because the last boy who asked me was a football jock and I broke his leg by pushing him out the car.

As I pull up to the school parking lot I barley get a chance to park my car when Katie jumps out and hugs her boyfriend matt. That irritates me sometimes. She could at least wait. She’s lucky I like matt because otherwise I would have ran him over.

Matt starts to wave at me when I get out and walk towards them.

“How’s it going Elli” matt says with one arm around Katie

“I’m fine matt and can you please tell your girlfriend that next time she jumps out my car like that she won’t be so lucky”

“Awe give her a break. I would have done the same thing because I missed her that much.” He says while looking at Katie with a big smile on his face.

We all start to laugh.

“Hey Elli did you do that English essay?” ask matt

I pat my shoulder then roll my eyes when I notice my bag is not there.

“I left my bag in the car. Hold on”

I turn around and that’s when I see him again. The man that was outside my house. What was he doing here? Did he follow me? Was he following me? How long was he sitting there?

While all these questions were going thruough my head Katie runs up to me with a worried look on her face.

“Elli what’s wrong?”

“That man across the street-----he was outside my house this morning.”

“Do you want me to call the police?” matt says as he pulls out his phone

“No that’s ok he never got close and he won’t be so lucky if he does” I said still looking at him as I said it.

“Don’t try to do this on your own Elisha if that creep is following you let me handle it.” Matt says with a straight face.

Sometimes he acts like he’s my big brother more than my friend. That’s probably why I like him so much more than all of Katie other boyfriends. So we just turn around and walk off. I look back one last time just to see him but the man on the motorcycle was gone and once again I say to myself “creepy”

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