"Well I think it's freaky. Like I said, the last thing I need is to see them again-."

"Speak of the devil..." I hear her say as I look at her, her cheeks flushed as she's chewing her lip. I look to where she's looking and I almost tripped over my own feet.

Up ahead, sitting on the railing, was the twins. But they weren't looking at us yet. One of them was fully sitting on the rails, his arm around the other twin as he sat lazily on the railing. They wore tight black pants and leather jackets. Everything they wore was black despite it being hot out, I wondered how they looked so perfect. The tall one had on boots while the other one wore spiked shoes.

"No...no, no, no!" I slam my bowl on a table where a couple sat at, completely ignoring their comments. I grab Kelly's wrist and pull on it desperately." We must leave, now."

"Why?! The gods are back, and looking hotter than before!" She squealed and their heads whipped over towards us. Their eyes looked at Kelly blankly like they were used to the constant compliments, but when they saw me their eyes narrowed as their jaws tightened.

The tall one glanced at the lazily sat one and mumbled something, making him nod as they bother lick their lips.

"I can't hold back anymore!"

"Kelly wait!" Kelly was already speed walking towards them and I couldn't catch her in time as we were now standing in front of them. I was frozen as their eyes fluttered to mine as for the first time, we saw them smile.

How can I put this lightly, their teeth are so white, the sun was making it impossible for me to look at them any longer. They sparkled and they were perfect. Kelly giggled and I couldn't do anything as they continued looking at me.

"What is your name?" One of them asked, a low, sweet, baritone voice ringing throughout my eardrums. He even had an accent, almost Russian like...

"I'm Kelly-."

"Not you, her." The other one said, his voice just as sweet as the tall one. I was shocked as they straightforward and I peeked at Kelly, her face a bright pink.

"Why should I give you my name?"

"Um..." The tall one jumped off the railing and so did the lazily sat one. Now they towered us as they were now the same height." Because we asked, the polite thing to do would be to tell us your name."

"I guess I'm not very polite." I hiss, making their eyes bulge in shock, but then they smiled.

"That's fine. We already know enough about you."

"You're perfect enough."

"Don't change."


"See you later."

"No! See you never!" I yelled as they walked off, constant stares going on them. I was bewildered and my heart raced, but I immediately felt bad for Kelly. I looked to her, seeing she was shaking her head in disbelief.

"Did that just happen...?" She shook her head and I chewed my lip as I tried comforting her by patting her shoulder.

"I'm so-."

"They spoke to me! Oh my gosh, and their voices were so fuckin sexy!" She gushed and I stared at her, completely in a daze. She just got shot down...and she's only focusing on the fact that they spoke to her. In fact, very rudely to her. But...she doesn't seem to have noticed...

But one thing was for sure, I was not seeing those twins again. At least, that's what I thought until tonight became the most life changing night of my life. And I could not go back as human, but as something else...something that you only heard in fantasies...

(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

So, how is that!? I'm actually trying to get to the part where she changes. It is the most exciting part and the part where it all gets juicy and a little steamy. But I want to get to it, despite being a little tired. But I don't care! I have always hated cliff hangers, and this story will not be one today! Luv ya! Oh, and sorry for he shortness!

The Emergence Of The Alpha Twins  ( UNDER REVISING )Where stories live. Discover now