Part 5: He can't die

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Part : 05

Maan's POV

I kept chasing her but she was fast, for a moment I felt she isn't taking up her full speed. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get even closer to her, but soon she picked up and ran off leaving me all alone  among identical trees and surroundings.

I looked around to see where has she possibly gone, but I couldn't find any clue. All sides looked similar. There was no clear way, obviously there wouldn't be any, this was for animals, not for human.

I snickered, why was I chasing an animal? That too a wolf ? and the wolf claims to be my mate. Great!! Super powerful mate and I couldn't even take a run with her.

It was not time to think but to find her. Find her? Very funny Maan, my subconscious chided .

where are u going to find her? Looks like an important part of your body stopped working, You can't find here in middle of nowhere. Yeah right!! I should go back, I thanked my conscious to stay with me, otherwise, I heard, it leaves when a person falls in love . Love ? where did it come from ? you are getting insane Maan , go back home..

I turned to go back but where the hell was I ? and what way would possibly lead to my tent? My goodness, that thing , animal com human , left me nowhere..

I had to go back, I tap my feet on ground what got into a strong man like me to get all anxious and confused. I checked my pocket for phone and it was not there too. Great, just great, things can't get any better.

I could find a way back, I reminded myself .. Yes I could, so I walked forward in one direction, but I knew it's going to be hard.

Since I volunteered, I have been wondering around for an hour now. All tired and thirsty. I didn't find a way back, it seemed like I was going round and round, reaching at this particular point for the third time in a row.

I didn't know what was to come my way. I once again started walking but in opposite direction this time.. A few meters ahead, I heard the rattling of leaves.

May be someone is in here who could help me. Without thinking I walked towards the sound, and last thing I felt was being tackled on ground and soul searing pain in my body.


Geet's POV

I locked myself in room , not knowing what's going on in pack house and outside world .. My wolf whimpered and cried , she was alerting me something but I constantly blocked her..

I know she was sad ,our mate rejected us and we can't do anything about it , can we ?? I was sad too but my wolf was overpowering .. Though rejection was not complete but still I couldn't manage to calm my wolf ..

I thought to go and check if Devansh was free.. We can have a talk or he can at least calm my wolf for some time , or offer me some suggestion. Even though our mate didn't want us still we did .

It's not that we find other partner if he rejected us. Its once in life time, and we can't possibly let him go like this .. Why wasn't he wolf? Why he had to be human .. I cursed multiple times while going out, all grumpy and sad.

As I reached his office , I heard our Beta say

" A human tried to trespass our territory " I actually felt my ears perk up at the sentence.

" Was he threat ??" Dev asked being alert, i could sense eagerness in his voice .. Human were threat to our pack and their curious nature made them come in search of us , but nobody made it out alive till now, our petrol knocked them down in a moment, they are too weak to compete a wolf.

But, I have my heart for certain human and I can't let them hurt any one of them now ..

" no ,seems like he wasn't even prepared for attack.. He didn't have anything to defend himself .. " said the third in command ..

I gulped hard trying to analyze the situation and ease the inner uneasiness that suddenly started growing.. Maan was following when I ran out .. But was it possible if he reached all the way in territory chasing me ? no he wasn't that fast, I tried to calm myself ..

I zoned out , can it be him, my heart seemed to beat faster, and my breath shorter as I felt something, a pain that felt like ripping my soul away .. I let my wolf take control, I couldn't comprehend what was happening ...

As soon as my wolf took control, I realized why I was in pain.. Our mate is hurt, I can't feel the connection, is he dead? No way in the hell, I just found him and I can't let him die like this ..

" Till now he must be dead " .. I heard the voice inside the office ..

I growled and it was loud enough to alert the whole pack ..I was angry and if anyone hurt my mate , I will tear them apart and drain every single drop of blood out of them ...

I barged into the office, shifting midway..

" Where is he ?" I asked through mind link .

"He, who ?? and why are you howling .. calm down "

" I said where is he??" I charged towards him.. He was beta and I had Alpha blood so I was stronger than him ..

"Stop Geet , what's wrong with you ??"

" I can't feel my mate connection.." I growled once again in mind link.

" You mean that human ...??"

"... is possibly my mate and he is hurt" I completed his sentence...

"They threw him outside the border, bleeding and bruised"

Wrong timing, how dare he talk about my mate like this? In a moment he was on ground and I tasted blood in my mouth ..

"Geet !! leave him, For God's sake .. you are going to kill him.." Said the beta ...

" You need to go, find your mate if he is ok or not .." said Dev, freeing third in command from me .

I realized he was right, so I ran out .. I felt the guards chasing me but I didn't care ..

I ran out toward the borders of our territory and smelt blood mixed scent of my mate.. He was the one who is injured .. He is the one who is hurt by my pack guards ...and finally I saw him.. 

He looked pale, his body bruised and cold.. Blood covered the surroundings.. No, he can't die.. he just can't ... I let out a painful howl, as I tried to feel any moment in his body.. he wasn't even breathing ?

I didn't bother shifting .. he is no more .. he is dead and I can't do anything .. I had to die too, I will go with him.

"Geet ..Geet!!" I heard someone call .. ..

" Let us take him to the pack doctor , maybe he is still alive ??"

I didn't say anything, I couldn't feel him so I had no hopes but we can try at least.. It's all my fault, he asked me to stop , but I didn't.

" i can't feel the connection .. i can't feel him .." i kept muttering. 

Enjoy Peeps... 3 more parts to go :) .. 

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