Part 2 : Attack

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Geet POV

Dipping my feet in cold water, I sat by the pool .My wolf was angry for not going to our mate as the day passed. I have been thinking since long. I was not sure what to do. No decision was this difficult ever. 

I left him because our mate was scared but that's not the only reason. I was afraid of my pack's decision. Would they allow any human in our territory? What if they asked me to leave the pack or choose one among them?

 I can't leave this pack, I spent whole life with them, but for that I will have to reject my mate. My wolf almost surfaced with the thought of rejecting our mate. Mate pull is too strong, I can't just reject him, It would cause pain. My wolf will never be happy and strong. i can't risk spending my whole life alone. 

"Someone is finally thinking" Devansh said as he playfully hit my shoulder. I came out of my whirl of thoughts and heaved a huge sigh. I need to share with someone. The one who could help me decide. 

"what's wrong ??" His protective instincts already made him realize that I was tense.

" I found my mate" I said, he is the best one with whom I can share. He is Alpha to be. My father will step down soon and he will take the lead. As i am his only sister he is protective over me. 

"Congrats!!!" He took me in a bear hug " I am so happy for you" . 

" So,who is the lucky pup ?"

" He is not pup" I groaned, as he referred my mate as child wolf.

" protective already hmm ?? I like it " He wasn't helping, not at all. He seemed to be excited.

" He is human." His excitement drained as he took in my words ..

" Human ? really " I nodded helplessly, not because I didn't like my mate, i loved him already. But will Dev and rest of the pack accept? I know if Alpha orders something, whole pack has to follow, so I am hoping for the best.

" Reject him Geet!!" he said taking a decision rather quickly, doesn't he care for me ?

" Never in my whole life " I raised my voice a pitch high.

" Manners !!!" his eyes changed color as his almost sufaced. It demanded respect , even though he loved me.

" why would u say such thing then? I like him and I will be hurt if I reject him, who knows better than u ??" I was hitting his wrong side, it was sensitive topic for him. He too rejected his mate. He didn't like her to be future Luna.. His wolf stopped talking to him for rejecting his mate, so he had to woo his girl back, and it took him like a whole year. So he knows how does it feel. 

I found him go silent after what I said. Then as he reached a final decision " Go!! Get him " he said. I nearly jumped in excitement, I can't be happier than this.

" Thank u !!"

" But I want to make sure he is good enough for u. I want to meet him"

" Dont act like human, as if i will change my mate you don't like him"

"I still have to meet him", Dev implied. 

" he doesn't know I am werewolf, neither me as his mate"

He gave me a duhh look. " How are u so sure he is your mate then?"

"I know like any other wolf would know. I smelled him, i looked into his eyes. My wolf recognized him as mate"

" But that doesn't change my decision of meeting and interrogating him , what if he is not safe for you? What if he is a rogue? "

I remembered him attacking me thrice. He wasn't safe for me ??

" He is scared of us " I said rather sadly.

" what kind of mate have you gotten yourself ?"

" as if I was the one to bond him with me " my lips stretched in thin line.

" How did u meet him by the way ? we haven't found any human in our territory ?"

Oh ! I was in trouble

" I went for a run, but got distracted and stepped into human's territory"

" What ?" overprotective.. " you know how dangerous it could be ? what if some human had attacked u ?"

" u know I am strong enough to defend myself"

" It was mistake, secondly I was meant to meet him. His scent attracted me to go there"

" ok, but u aren't going back there"

" how would I meet him then??" I asked irritated, he was being dumb and I can't say it loud because his wolf will surely take me down with his just one paw, it is too big.

" u r going with two of our fighters next time"

" No way in the hell !! he is already scared of my wolf"

" Then tell him and let him get used to the idea"

" I can't just tell him straight away, I want to win him. What if he doesn't want to be with me ? he is human . He won't feel the pull , but I will "

" ok they will see you from far, and won't come in his vision, is that fine ?"

" what about my privacy here? "

" Gosh!! You guys can get a room for your deed. I don't want my sister to give a free show to others" I grinned at his statement

" ok . but they will follow my instructions"

" sure thing"

" I am going to meet him now" I stood up to leave.

" We are back to square, I have to meet him"

" ok first let me tell him"

" you don't have long time . just two days , win him and tell him everything"

" ok !!" I said keeping my reply short as I was pretty much eager to leave.

I ran into woods without missing a second. Two of our pack fighters followed me from far. I instructed them not to get too close. i told them , if I got in trouble I would mind link them.

Soon I was near the place where I met him, I could already smell his faint scent. As it got stronger I went more anxious to meet him. My wolf was running faster as it was excited. But there was something wrong with his smell ?? I smelled blood along ??

Mt wolf howled with anger when I stepped in his territory, the scene in front made my blood boil , all I saw was red ..our mate was under attack by rouges.

He successfully dodged one of them by attacking with knife . I was proud of him, as the rouge fell down unable to take the pain of silver in its flesh. But he was left with nothing to defend himself now .The other one attacked him leaving the mark of its canines on his wrist, and blood started oozing out and he was tackled down on ground .I jumped in biting the tail of the rogue. It attacked me back.

Soon my canines sank in its neck, leaving it dead followed by other. It was bound to happen as they dared to hurt my mate. No one hurts him, not until i am alive. 

I turned around to check my mate , only to find him staring at me baffled and confused.. 

A/N : Enjoy reading, don't forget to post your reviews and vote :) 

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