"where is the pain?" the paramedic asked Vikk as he was giving Harry some medication to ease his pain a bit.

"in my arm" Vikk moaned out, his arm looked really badly broken

"you are going to be taken out shortly, I'm going to give you something to help you keep calm, sound good" he told Vikk calmly, then he got a neck brace on Harry and then Vikk.

It took them about 5 more minutes to get both Harry and Vikk out off the car and they were off strait away, they had to get to the hospital quickly, Vikk would need surgery on his arm, the bones were clearly broken and his arm was really cut up because off the window, Harry's head had stopped bleeding but he was still struggling to breath and he just looked broken, he was on the verge off passing out again and as they came to the hospital he was almost out, they got him a scan strait away and then he was taken if for surgery, 4 off his ribs were broken and his lung had collapsed, he had also gotten a hairline fracture to his pelvis after getting pushed against the window, he was also going in for surgery strait away, the others had all gone in for testing to see if they had any injury's, Tobi had still not woken up and it was starting to worry everyone. The youngest two Sidemen were in surgery and one was still unconscious. Ethan had ben taken up to the ortho floor off the hospital so they could set his leg, he would need to have surgery as well to fix it, but it could wait until the next day, JJ only had a nasty gash on his arm and there were some muscle sprains and tears in the arm as well so he would have to have it in a sling for a while, they were going to let him go in the morning, Simon had broken his wrist and the seatbelt had injured his shoulder, he wound not need surgery, but like JJ he was going to need to wear a sling for a few weeks to let the shoulder heal, then a lot off physical therapy to not lose any strength in the shoulder. Josh was fine, he had gotten away with only bumps and bruises, he had to get a few stitches in his leg as he had cut himself on the door, but other than that he was fine.

They were all sitting with Ethan in his room when the news came through that Harry was in surgery, they had already gotten the news that Vikk was in surgery and that Tobi was having tests done.

"what is happening?" Ethan asked worried

"he broke a few ribs that we need to fix, one off the ribs made a hole in his lung and it collapsed, that was why he had trouble breathing and we are going to be fixing that as well"

"did he get hurt anywhere else?" Josh asked

"he fractured his pelvis, but he does not need surgery for that, he will however not be able to put weight on that hip for 6 weeks and he is going to be here in hospital for a little while, because he is not really allowed to move while he has the chest tube in, to drain the blood and fluids from his chest after the surgery, we also have to keep him here for a little while because off the lung"

"when is he gonna get out off surgery?"

"he will be done in about 5 hours" they got told and Simon asked if they could be with him when he would wake up, but then they got the news that he would be sedated for a few hours after the surgery, just to let him rest, and after that he would be very high on pain meds.

"are there any news on our other friend that is in surgery?" Josh then asked

"they are still operating and they have a few hours to go"

"but what about Tobi Brown?"

"no news yet I'm afraid, I will update you when I know anything, you should try to get some rest, and you three should go back to your rooms now" he said to them and Simon, Josh and JJ just nodded, they were all going to be staying overnight for monitoring.

When Simon woke up the next morning Josh and JJ were in his room, he had a bit off a headache that the nurses told him was a mild concussion

"any news on Vikk, Harry and Tobi, has Ethan gone in for surgery yet?" Simon asked

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