Oh My God

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I was freaking out so bad like what?

Why is Nykee even back what does she want with leyda.


"Help," I screamed in this unfamiliar room. I was tied to a chair with some type of thing in my arm.

The door opened showing this beautiful stud but I knew she was pure evil.

"You think someone is coming to save you?" She said chuckling. I don't understand how someone voice can be so beautiful but she be so evil inside.

"What is this in my arm,"I asked feeling weak and tired.

"Something to paralyze yo ass," She laughed again.

"Its going to start working in....5,4,3,2,1" After she said that I was limp.


She's pretty And I feel bad for wanting to hurt her but it's how it goes In this life. Cash signed up for this when she left me alone and have me in love with her. Its her fault this is happening.

Everything is her fault.

She'll be here soon and be mine.

To be continued

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