what would i change

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I'm just a teen girl going through so much with School, drama and rumors, and I have depression. Everything seemed fine but it turned when i was younger. I wish i could change my past and make a difference and make today better.

I'm going to tell you 13 reasons why i wanna change these part of my life. I'm gonna name people that are also part of the reason. So, here we go..........

If i could change something, I would change my life at school. I would change everything with school. So, much happens at school that i could change but there's two thing i would change. I would change who i was and who i hung out with.
I would hung with friends that didn't cause drama like my friend Kyle. Kyle has been one friend that has always been there for me and made m feel better. He doesn't cause drama and he makes me feel better. He is a good story maker and song writer. I would also keep my friends Julia, Selena, and Alex. Julia has been my friend for a long time and I go to her for everything. Selena is a good friend but I barley talk to her. Alex... he was in my history class once and that's when I meet him and became friends with him and now I have P.E with him. He is fun to hung out with.

Another thing I would change would be who I dated. My ex John causes problems when me and him broke up and then expect us to be buddy buddy.. uh hell no. My ex Gage Parker who lied bout his real age and is now causing me problems.

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