Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

He leapt out of the sarcophagus with ease. The demons presented his scythe and swung it around. I knew the legend. One touch would sever your soul from your body. Fun. Percy and I crept towards the exit. We tried to stay hidden. It didn't work. 

"Hello, there," Kronos said. 

We turned like kids who were caught trying to sneak out at night. I waved and smiled. "We were just going," I said and pointed over my shoulder towards the exit. We started backing up slowly. Like time almost stopped slow. 

Kronos laughed and swung his scythe in real time. He walked towards us. Out of nowhere, a blue hairbrush flew towards the Lord of Time and hit him dead in the eye. "Ow!" and the voice was Luke's. 

Percy and I bolted towards the exit, the time spell broken. At the entrance stood Rachel. We grabbed her and ran. Nico was a little ways back and saw Kronos running after us. He clapped his hands and the tunnel behind us collapsed. We kept running. I soon overtook Percy and was in the lead. I tripped over a tree root and went sprawling. 

"Ow." I rolled over onto my elbows and saw a floppy green cap lying in the dirt beside me. I picked it up and held it up to Percy. "That's Grover's. He must have gone up this tunnel." 

"Yeah." Percy held out his hand and helped me up, wincing. I now had bruises on my elbows and knees to add to my portfolio of bodily damage. Fun. "We have to go after them." 

"Let's go," Annabeth said and took the lead. We followed the tunnel for an hour or so and came to a cavern that was filled with wildlife. In the center was a large bed and a giant satyr. A very, very old satyr. Kneeling at its bedside were Grover and Tyson. Grover seemed to be crying. 

"Pan!" I walked forwards and knelt next to Grover, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. 

"You came." The satyr spoke with a voice that held decades of weariness and pain. We all nodded in response. "Good. The wild is gone. There's no getting it back. You all need to help save what is left. All of you. Percy Jackson, you doubt. When the time comes, fear will not control you. Annabeth Chase, you will play a great role, but not the expected role. Tyson, your name will live on forever. Ms. Rachel Dare..." 

Rachel was shocked to be addressed by a god. 

" are just as important as your father. Remember that. And Grover. Carry my message." 

"No. no. I can't." 

"You are the bravest satyr. You have a true heart. You never doubted. Save the wild. All of you. I give you my final blessing," Pan finished and closed his eyes. He dissolved and a white mist curled into each of our mouths. All the animals and wildlife withered and turned to dust. 

"Let's go." Grover put on his cap. "The great god Pan is dead."



So Pan is dead and gone. I really liked him. How do you think this loss will affect Grover? Leave your thoughts in the comments then read more to see if you're right! And sorry for the short chapter, guys.

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