Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Over where we were sleeping, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson were packing up their sleeping area. "Hey, guys, a little help here!" I said just loud enough for them to hear me. They turned around and I shrugged my shoulders painfully. Annabeth ran over and cut the ropes binding my hands. "He trusted me. Not the other way around, Percy," I said at the puzzled look on his face. 

Tyson came over and grabbed my wrist and stuck something in the keyhole of my left cuff. It fell off as he twisted. I offered my other hand and he took off my right cuff. I nodded my thanks and rubbed my wrists, feeling the scars that I had acquired. Tyson grabbed me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I hugged him back, happy to be with friends. "So. On our way then." I heard a crashing coming from the tunnel where Luke was. "Quickly now." 

Percy grinned and grabbed his and Annabeth's packs. He threw her hers and shouldered his. "Onward." 

"Onward," the group agreed. We looked to the second tunnel that was along the outer edge that I hadn't noticed before. I shrugged and walked towards the opening. Percy and Annabeth went first, then Tyson and Grover, and I came last. As I put my first foot into the tunnel, I heard an angry shout somewhere to my left. That's where Luke was. 

"Dangit!" I sprinted into the tunnel, almost running into the rest of the group. "Hurry now!! Onward much!! Luke is coming. And I do think he is slightly upset." An outraged shout came from behind us. Percy uncapped Riptide and ushered everyone ahead of him. 

"Go!" he yelled. I unsheathed my sword and stood next to Percy, my chin raised defiantly. He looked at me and nodded. "Together then." 

"Together," I agreed. Luke charged out of the dark and stopped short when he saw Percy and me standing shoulder to shoulder, swords raised. "Hello, sweetie." 

"Honey," he growled. "I'm home." He swung his sword at Percy's shoulder and I willed the shadows to come to my aid. The shadows thickened and skeleton warriors emerged and charged Luke. Percy disengaged and backed away to watch Luke battle the skeletons that would not, could not, die. Whenever he would cut through them, they would reassemble. 

I leaned over to Percy and whispered, "I didn't know I could do that!" he laughed as we backed down the tunnel. We turned and ran towards our friends. I knew that they had only gone about 20 feet down the tunnel. We ran into them laughing. 

Annabeth asked, "What happened?" 

Percy and I were laughing too much to answer but I finally gasped out a response. "Skeleton warriors...won't die...keep him busy...won't kill him though." 

"Alrighty then," Grover said. "Then on we go." 

"Wait, I have an idea," Percy said. "We're looking for Deadalus's workshop, right? Maybe Rachel can help. She can see through the Mist. She helped me last year with those skeleton thingies that were after me." 

I could tell Annabeth wasn't happy with this solution. "Alright," she said, "Let's go get her." 

"Uh, I need to look for Pan," Grover said. 

Everyone looked at Grover. I nodded in agreement. "Take Tyson." 

"It's not a good idea to split up. Especially in here," Annabeth said doubtfully. 

"I can find them. I know I can. The shadows talk to me." I looked at Annabeth. She nodded. 

"Go. Be careful. We'll catch up to you." Annabeth said. Grover and Tyson walked off into the tunnel. I sighed. I silently wished the shadows to guide them. 

The three of us were quiet as we thought. "Shadow travel. I can shadow travel us there. I'm sure I can. Grab hold of something, everyone," I said. Annabeth grabbed my left hand and Percy grabbed my right hand. 

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