Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

Hi. My name is Sage. Sage Walker. A few words about me. I have dark brown hair and eyes, olive skin, and I'm a pretty good swordfighter. Oh, and my dad is Hades, Lord of the Dead. Just so you know. So that makes me a demigod. Half god and half mortal. My mom is the mortal, obviously. But she's gone. Not dead gone. Just gone. She wasn't so great anyways. Doesn't matter. I've gotten along just fine on my own for 10 years since she left. She left when I was four. I woke up and she was gone. Gone like the wind. 

So, you've all head about the labyrinth. How some Greek chick had an affair with a bull and had a bull man baby and then stuck it in the labyrinth? Yeah. That labyrinth, it's in America now. It moved with the "heart of Western Civilization" or something. I really don't remember. But so I'm in this labyrinth. 

Not because I want to be here. 

Really I'm just looking for this guy, Luke Castellan. He's sided with Kronos, who's this evil Titan lord guy, and is trying to bring him back from the depths of Tartarus. And I'm not about to deal with a big war or anything. So I'm gonna go find this guy and kick his butt. Tell him not to do that. All that jazz. Oh, and for the record, he's like the best swordsman in forever. 

I've got my Celestial bronze (the only thing to kill monsters with) sword out. It's a hand and a half (about 3.5 feet long). Its glow lights my way. That's pretty much the only way I'm seeing where I'm going. Not that I know where I'm going. I'm just sort of going. I'm poking my head around this corner and for once, I don't see a monster that I need to kill. Thank the gods. 

"Looking for something?" I hear behind me. I jump, almost dropping my sword, and whip around. I'm ready to fight, with my sword raised and everything. It's Luke. The guy I've been searching everywhere for with no avail just walks up behind me. 

"Yeah. You. And don't you even ask why. 'Cause I'm pretty sure you know why," I snarl. I'm not about to let him pull that blond-hair-blue-eyes thing that always shatters my resolve. I just have a thing for blue eyes. What can I say? "I'm not going to let you get Kronos back." 

"Like you really have a choice, Sage." I stagger back like I've been punched. How does he know my name? I've never even been to Camp Half-Blood (a safe place for demigods. Please. Like someplace like that really exists). 

"Oh, I have my sources," he said before I had a chance to retort. 

"I'm sure you do, Luke. And they're called spies. Just so you know." I leap forward and swing my sword in a move that, in a perfect world, would have chopped his stupid head off. But I don't live in a perfect world. Far from it. So naturally, he blocks my strike and lunges toward me. I must say, I felt challenged by him. And I welcome a near impossible challenge. Key word: near. I could beat this guy. 

I wasn't even thinking about what I was doing really. My brain automatically knew what to do. How to parry, strike, roll, stab, block. I was on autopilot. I was analyzing patterns in his fighting style. He was really good. Like unbeatable good. I felt like taking a risk. I went to step past his guard and knock the sword out of his hand so I could properly decapitate this guy, when he slaps my wrist with the flat of his blade and my sword clatters to the floor. I smile, panting. It was a good fight. We'd both managed to get little cuts in on each other. I was bleeding more than him though. By far. I raised my hands to shoulder level. I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction of knowing that I was definitely scared out of my wits and knew I was going to die. I held my chin up and looked at him defiantly. But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking over my shoulder at something or someone behind me.

"Nakamura. Tie her hands. Behind her back. Tight." Luke had his sword point resting at the hollow at the base of my neck. It was cold. I didn't dare move. I knew that if I did, I was a dead man. No doubt about it. 

So naturally, I took another risk. Being a daughter of Hades, I knew I had the ability to shadow travel. As in, I can melt into the shadows and come up somewhere else. I mean, I've never tried it before but there's a first time for everything, right? I willed myself to become the shadows around me. But of course, with my luck, it didn't work. 

"So," I said, "what now?" I cocked my hip. I wasn't going to let this guy get to me. Not at all. Never. Crap. He got to me. I'm on the defensive. 

"See, we have this place. It's where we put people that we don't want ruining our plans. Like you. And others. If you're lucky, you get a cell all by yourself. Then you'll last longer. Maybe. Oh, and don't worry. Your cell is special. You can't shadow travel away from there. Not like you'll have the strength after a couple hours." Luke grinned, distorting the scar on his face. He nodded to Nakamura, who had successfully tied my hands so tight that I was sure my fingers weren't there anymore. I definitely couldn't feel them to make sure. "Let's go. She can stay with Kamp\u00ea." 

I snorted. Just my luck. Nakamura had taken me to what was definitely Alcatraz. I had no doubt that's where I was. He had untied my hands, but before I could react in my startled and monotonous state, he had shackled my hands to the floor. It was like handcuffs. But connected to the floor so all I could do was walk a good five feet away from my little corner. Just enough to get to the toilet and no further. I snorted again. I sat in the corner where the chain started. I looked around. True to his word, there wasn't I speck of shadow in my cell. I cursed Luke. I didn't know how long I would be here. Seeing as how I was pretty sure I was the only demigod in here, I wasn't sure if I has even going to get fed. Sure enough as soon as I thought it, Luke was there. 

"You only get fed once a day, just so you know. Don't exert yourself." He winked at me and walked away. 

Dear god. How was I going to survive this? If hopelessness didn't kill me, starvation would. That or blood loss eventually. I had already gotten my wrists to start bleeding as I tugged on my shackles. I was stuck. I was going to die. And nobody would know or care. Awesome.



Thank you guys for reading the first chapter! Please tell me what you think about it!

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