I liked this side of Newt it was a different to all of the others. Most of the time he came off kind of serious and pretty uptight in a way, but right now he was just like every other teenage boy I knew.

We basically ran down the street, singing the lyrics of the song, while trying to annoy all of the people living there.

"You were the song stuck in my head, every song that I've ever loved, played again and again and again," he sang freely and I just loved his voice. I had to ask him to sing for sometime soon. Hopefully he wouldn't think that I was completely weird...

"And you can get what you want but it's never enough, and I spin for you like your favorite records used to," he continued, looking at me invitingly. "Come on, Tommy, you have to sing along, how could I otherwise know that you're a true fan, maybe you're just a fake fan and you do all of this to come closer to me."

I looked at me and couldn't help but start laughing endearingly. "Well even if I may do just that, you'll never know... Also if you come home with me, then I can show you how much I love these bands. My whole room is fully decorated with posters."

"Well I would love to, but my mum is probably really worried by now, so I'd rather rush and get home like soon," Newt replied smiling and added with a smirk. "Maybe you just waited for me to come home with you, so you can murder me and nobody will ever know."

"There's a room in a hotel in New York City, that shares our fate and deserves our pity," I quoted and smirked back at Newt. We completely spoke the same language and I think I'd never ever in my life had an immediate connection with someone like that

"So you're not a fake fan, I guess," Newt just concluded. "Hopefully I'm not jumping to conclusions, when I make that assumption."

"You'd really take me for a cold-hearted killer? Wow I feel strangely honoured," I interrupted myself, as we had arrived at the end of the street. "So right, left or straight ahead?"

"Right and you?" Newt replied and I was a little bit (positively) surprised that he got what I wanted to say without even thinking about it twice.

My mind usually worked too fast for most of the people, I jumped from one topic to another between seconds, but Newt seemed to follow each of these steps easily.

"Same, so more chances for me figure out a plan how to kill you the best," I said with a smile, as we continued to walk down the streets. Fall out boy continued to play, as we started talking about different topics.

"So you're lived in New York your whole life?" Newt asked me interested, while glancing around at the different houses.

"Yeah, it's a really nice city, especially Greenwich Village, I mean the houses are all pretty great and we could have it much worse," I replied and smiled at him. "Well it may be a little confusing at first, but I like it."

"Come on, I literally got lost the first day I went to school, since... I don't even know why to be honest, but I got lost again in the afternoon and went back home with google maps," he told me with a giggle. (One of the cutest sounds ever, like actually ever.) "And then my mum got so worried, she nearly called the police, I got home the moment she had already typed in the number of them... But it was the emergency number from the UK not the US."

"You're so British," I managed to say, but bursted out into laughter in the middle of the street. "Like you're actually so fucking British."

"Do you think that this is a bad thing?" Newt asked me, glaring at me pretty convincingly angry. "Do you think that you Americans are better than Britons?"

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