Chapter 53. Stepsisters.

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Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness. ~ C.S. Lewis.

Chapter 53.


It was a lonely day for Charles. Elwyn had run off to his beloved Miss Morton again. The two of them had a lot to discuss about their upcoming wedding and marriage.

"I wonder if they plan to tell that mother at all," Charles grumbled. "Lucky for them that Elwyn doesn't have a father to disown him and Miss Morton is twenty one and can marry without parental consent." He didn't mean to be jealous, but it was unfair that his cousin should be so happy and he was sitting here without a clue if Catrin was alive and well. It was already two days since Raj had gone off and there was no word.

"Where is that little Indian servant?" Charles continued muttering. "It's about time he shows up. If he doesn't come right now, I shall travel to Bath myself!"

In a strange twist of fate, there was a knock on the door and who should enter the room but Raj. Charles was on his feet in an instant.

"Well?" He asked, his blue eyes fixed anxiously on Raj.

"The Sahib was right," Raj said with a low bow. "Mrs. Llewelyn was truly of the mind to kill her stepdaughter. She was poisoning her slowly, but I came in time. Miss Llewelyn has suffered from the dose her mother gave her, however."

Fear gripped Charles' heart. "Suffered?" He repeated, his tone demanding that Raj had better give a more detailed explanation.

"I came to Bath and found Miss Llewelyn looking very ill. I informed her of what you feared and at once she went to confront her stepmother. Mrs. Llewelyn, in my presence, admitted to trying to kill her stepdaughter and take the manor for herself. Miss Llewelyn then replied that should Mrs. Llewelyn continue this, her own word would be against her. After this we departed from the stepmother's home, but just as we reached the carriage, Miss Llewelyn collapsed."

Charles inhaled sharply. "And?"

"And I straightway informed Mrs. Fairfax and took the young girl away from her stepmother. She is at Derwen Goch Manor at the moment, in the care of Mrs. Fairfax and the housekeeper."

Charles needed no more information. Without a word he rushed out of the room and saddled his horse as fast as he could. Half an hour was not over before he was at the doorstep of the Manor house. John, the butler, let him in.

"Lord Woodworth, I shall informed Mrs. Fairfax of your arrival."

"Where is Miss Llewelyn?" Charles demanded before the butler could walk off.

"She is in her room, sir, and quite ill. If you will only wait, I will call Mrs. Fairfax."

Charles nodded his head and nervously tapped his foot on the floor as he waited. After what seemed like ages and ages to the young man, the elegant figure of Mrs. Fairfax finally came to greet him.

"Mr. Errol," she said with a kind smile, but Charles could read in between the lines.

"How is she?"

"To be honest, Mr. Errol, I am not sure. I don't know how much Mrs. Llewelyn gave her. Arsenic is a dangerous thing, but the body can fight it if the dose is small enough. It is just I do not know how much she's taken in, but seeing as she is still alive there is good reason to hope. Let us just wait and see. The family doctor has already seen her and he is hopeful."

Giving a grave nod of his head, Charles took a deep breath. "Could I see her?"

Mrs. Fairfax led him to the pretty room of Catrin. The window was open and the soft breeze came through and filled the air with the sweetness of summer. Catrin lay on the bed. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was heavy. The soft brown hair was gathered in a braid and rested on the pillow. Charles could see how pale she was, her face was almost the same color as the pillowcase. Her Majesty was curled up on the bed beside her, snuggled up against one of the pillow's and Catrin's back. Argos lay on the floor by the bed. He raised his head and eyed Charles, but did not bark.

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