Plots and wishes.

Start from the beginning

"Decision? What decision?" he then asked. Sartorius shrugged.

"That the cards doesn't reveal" he the said "But for now your lines follow the shooting star card". Axel nodded slightly. He was glad to hear that.

"So anything that can help Tara out of the Penitentiary?" he then asked.

"I believe you have to face Kaiba to get her out of there young man. That and creativity" Sartorius then said "You have avoided him long enough. Don't you think?".

Axel sighed. He nodded and got up from the chair he was using in the common room. He turned around to see Syrus standing in the door to the room. The light blue haired male smiled a tiny smile.

"I was here to get you on Kaiba's orders" he then said.

Time skip.

"Okay, man all stations!" Kaiba then yelled and members were running in different stations.

Everything was actually chaos, when Axel and Syrus appeared inside the commando central. They found Kaiba staring at the monitors with cold glare, while Mokuba was actually standing beside him. Pegasus was sitting at the table together with Rebecka and Chumley. They were trying to decipher the code from Ace. Lorenzo was at an computer and looked like he was busy with hacking something. Everyone actually looked busy.

"I got a hang on Axel" Syrus then said and made Kaiba and Mokuba turn towards him.

Axel could feel the cold glare from Kaiba though. He was apparently not forgiven. Kaiba snort and turned to the monitors once again. Some of them was shown different sides of the mansion. Others were surprisingly shown the Penitentiary in Europe. How they managed to hack into it was beyond Axel. However it looked like it was only the outside camera's they had managed to hack into. Axel figured the inside was much more high tech. Banner was kind of proud of his different inventions. He always upgraded them. Especially at such places as the Penitentiaries. Axel clenched his fists. Would they be able to get Tara and the others out of there?

"Go get ready you two" Kaiba then said "We will soon attack". Axel eyes narrowed.

"What is your plans sir?" He then questioned. Kaiba sent him a cold glare.

"We are storming the place" he then said "It is that simple. We don't have that many options. I have a unit dispatched to give Sarina enough energy to move the headquarter close to the penitentiary. After that we just attack with all force we have". Axel and Syrus looked stunned at the leader.

"But that, by all due respect, is almost suicide" Syrus then said "We can't just attack them randomly". Axel nodded in agreement. Kaiba sighed at that.

"What else do we have? Lorenzo have tried hacking the systems on the inside, but without luck. Even if we have some devices to unlock the front door, we don't know what we are up against. Storming the place is the only thing possible" He then sneered "That or waiting, which is not in our favor, unless we.. We don't have the time!". Axel looked at the others in here. This was not the right way to do this.

"Creativity!" Axel then uttered "Sartorius mentioned you and creativity would get Tara out of the penitentiary". At that another cold glare hit him.

"That fortuneteller! He is of no use here. His predictions are useless. Just like always" Kaiba then said "How shall creativity help us in a situation like this?".

"Well Axel might be on to something Kaiba boy. Storming the penitentiary, would cost us the rest of our members to get caught" Pegasus then said "And what hope do when then have for this world". Kaiba sneered a little, but didn't object to anything.

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