Chapter 4 - The Shack

Start from the beginning

Orion's body seemed to have gone into shock, if it hadn't been already that is. The shock seemed to pass quickly though, and by the time he came around again, Orion was lying in the bed he'd woken up in this morning. He didn't have the energy to speak though, and every part of his body felt so heavy he doubted he could move very far on his own, on top of all that his chest and arms felt like they were on fire and he knew then he was at least suffering a fever of some kind. Struggling to sit up even with help, he felt like he was going to be sick, confused and feeling worse than ever before, he groaned loudly. He had been sick quite a lot as a child, and certainly didn't look forward to it now. Especially considering this mystery illness would set his plans on hold indefinitely, not to mention making his current situation with these kind strangers even worse, his only silver lining was that being a vampire meant that whatever illness he had was more likely to burn off quickly and not hang around. Of course that still meant staying here, where he was probably going to be discovered any day now, and that was something he didn't want anyone to have to deal with, least of all Luke and Phay. Focusing his attention on the floor, to try and stop the spinning, he noticed all the clothes he'd scattered about earlier were now in a neat little pile. It still amused him to find he had something to call his own, the only thing he'd owned before now, was an old necklace his wife had given him. He couldn't take it off, not that he wanted to but it was the last thing he had of his old life, made of some strange black metal it clung to the base of his throat. A soft, white glow seemed to emanate from it at the moment. Although the pendant itself was shaped like a crescent moon, the soft glow seemed to suit it just fine, contrasting with the smooth black metal band binding it to his neck. Even the soft light though was searing Orion's flesh, and although it wasn't uncomfortable, at least not to him. It was noticeable; especially to those attentive enough to discover it wasn't glowing just for decorative purposes.


"Orion!?" Phay watched the male fall to the ground unconscious, she was next to him in a second and on his forehead. "Luke he's burning up bad." Luke copied her actions touching Orion's forehead a frown on his face.

"Help me get him up." Phay nodded slinging a dead weighted arm over his shoulder, pulling Orion up off the floor, they both carried him back to his room. Carefully place them on the bed Phay looked up at Luke with worry.

"What's wrong with him Luke?" Luke gave a soft frown.

" I don't know, I think we should take him to the hospital." Luke murmured pulling out his cell only to have Phay grab his hand.

"No, we can't." Luke gave a puzzled look.

"Why not?" Phay looked away as if not completely sure on what to say.

"I just have a bad feeling."

Luke smiled. "Alright, we'll find out don't worry." Ruffling her hair. He inspected Orion's ears, mouth, skin and fingernails. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Maybe it's his wounds, they could be infected." The male had been tearing at himself rather harshly today. Pulling up Orion's shirt, he could see that a wound had reopened.

"I'll go grab the first aid kit." Luke nodded pulling away the bandages as Phay left, a slight relief swept over him. Reopened wound but at least not infected, he caught a bit blood escaping the open wound with the cloth before discarding in a waste bin. As he glanced up again he noticed a sudden slight shift in Orion's jawline, eyes narrowing he pulled up Orion's upper lip, what Luke saw made his jaw drop; fangs.

Orion was a certainly explained a lot but nothing about this sudden illness. As if to heed him on his searching for his answer something began to glow from underneath Orion's shirt. Pulling it back Luke gaze caught the soft glowing pendant, eyes widening. What was a vampire doing wearing something like this? And how long had it been since he'd seen anything like this type of pendant. Considering the glow Luke now had a fair idea of what was wrong with their new vampire friend, Orion required treatment of a different kind. Phay rushed back in with the first aid kit.

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