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This is the second last chapter, you guys. It's sad to see it end but it was fun writing this.


Mark and Jinyoung waved Youngjae goodbye as he exited the house. After receiving the text from his mom, he knew he had to get home to find out what was going on. The gate was already open when he arrived, making him question his surroundings.

"Eomma?", he called as he entered. The silence scared him a little but he took a few more steps down the hall. He stopped when he heard his mother call his name.

"Youngjae-ah?", she said as she climbed up from the basement. The boy turned around and a small grin formed on his face when he saw how calm his mom was. She walked closer to him with a smile plastered on her face and reached out for his hands. He stared into her brown orbs.

"Im Jaebum came by today.", she said softly and quietly. Youngjae's heart pounded when he heard his name. He nodded slightly, telling her to continue.

She paused and sighed before smiling again.

"I'm sorry.", Youngjae's eyes almost widened when he heard it in person. Sure the text confused him, but he needed to know all of this was real. He gave his eomma a slightly unsure look.

"I was very impressed with his confidence. The fact he came down here to clear things up, proved how mature he is.", she paused again and hung her head low.

"Probably even more mature than I am.", she looked back up to her son's eyes.

"Keep him.", she whispered. Youngjae almost immediately hugged her. He wasn't sure if it was a dream, but if it was he didn't want to wake up. One question remained, however. Why the sudden change of heart?

"Eomma?", the boy mumbled into his mother's neck. She hummed in response.

"What made you change your mind?", he asked. The woman smiled and leaned his head on her son's.

"Remember when I used to read to you before bed? There was a story about never judging a book by it's cover. It wouldn't be fair for me to be hypocritical now, would it?"

Youngjae chuckled softly. "Thank you."


I love you.

I'm guessing your mom told you.

You guessed right. Although, I'm a little upset you didn't tell me first.

Well, you would've held me back. Are you not happy?

Youngjae :
Of course, I am.

Good. I love you, too.


6 months later

"Bam, I swear if you actually--", Jackson started. The boys were currently seated in the cafe they all had properly met in. BamBam was in the middle of planning his scene during graduation. All except himself and Yugyeom were against it.

"Oh come on, it'll be cool!", BamBam protested. He was hyped over an idea about dancing at grad with Yugyeom.

"No, it'll be embarrassing.", Jinyoung piped in.

"You're so mean to me!", BamBam dramatically said.

The boys laughed before realizing what this actually meant.

"Wow can you guys believe we're actually graduating?", Mark asked.

Yugyeom smiled sadly.
"You guys remember all the stuff that's happened here?", he asked brightly.
The boys looked around in the cafe.

"I mean, here in this very place. Most of our memories were made here."

Jackson laughed a little too loudly.
"Do you remember when BamBam slipped on that melted ice?", he asked, making all but BamBam laugh.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault someone dropped their drink.", he said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"There was a wet floor sign, Bam.", Yugyeom said in between his laughs.

The boys continued to reminisce while Jaebum held Youngjae's hand tightly. He grinned and gave him a good look before speaking.

"I can't believe I made it through university.", he said. Youngjae chuckled before running his hand on the elder's soft cheek.

"Neither do I.", he teased.

"Hey!", Jaebum said jokingly.

"I'm kidding. So do you think I didn't make a mistake by choosing music?", Youngjae asked.

Jaebum ruffled his hair.

"Of course, not. Those kids will love having you as their music teacher."

Youngjae smiled and thought of his career-to-be. He then thought of JB as a lawyer. Oh hell, he thought.

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