03. proposition

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"Oh god, I'm so sorry," Kol said as Ariel looked up at him.

She waved him off, "Oh don't worry; I'll live."

Kol stuffed his hands in his pocket, resisting the urge to break the truth. "Thank you for the other day; for fixing me up and all of that."

"You're welcome," Ariel smiled at him. "I think we should hang out some more though, but I don't know when. I'm always super busy."

"No worries. We'll find a day where we can go on a date."

Asher ran out of the crypt, holding his phone in his hand with a hectic look. "Klaus wants us; he says it's urgent."

Asher ran past the two, Ariel was about to follow, but Kol stopped her with his hand wrapping around her arm. "All he does is boss you around; don't you get tired of that?"

"I – It's fine." Ariel did agree with him, but she couldn't just ditch Klaus...right? Did she really only like Klaus & Elijah just for Kol?

Kol was furious with his brother at the moment. He literally only wanted the two angels for protection. "Just know that you're a strong, independent woman who shouldn't get told what to do."

Ariel stood there for a moment, her eyes slowly forming a vision within her head. She was about to see it, but Asher called out her name. Once Kol let her go, the vision disappeared. It probably had to do something with Kaleb, but what?

The two angels were already running through Bourbon Street, but a text from Klaus sent them another way. Lenore's shop was their new destination they needed to head towards. Ariel and Asher ran through the back door and heard commotion coming from one of the rooms. When they entered, Esther – who was now in a different body – threw powder on the ground to block them for coming at her. Ariel stopped just in time, but Asher ran into the invisible barrier and got knocked back.

"So glad you two could join us," Esther turned to them and smiled. "Just the angels I was looking for."

She waved her hand and Ariel was getting pulled to right next to her. Asher finally got up trying to get through the barrier. "Hey! Let her go!"

Esther held onto her hand and closed her eyes, mumbling a few words. "I see your still miserable in life. But Kol's isn't miserable, his life is way better without you. On the Other Side he was talking to some witches–"

Ariel didn't let her finish as she slapped her with her free hand. Esther's face swung to the side, all the men looking stunned in the room. "You're lying."

"Would I be lying if I said you still wanted kids, a family?" No. She wasn't lying indeed. Ariel still thought about coming home and her two beautiful children running up to greet her. "I have the power to give you what you want. Yes, we have our odds, but I came here to mend everything. I can put you in a new body so you have the ability to do those things. What do you say?"

Ariel was completely stunned; this was maybe a once in a lifetime offer. She remembered all the times her and Rebekah would talk about wanting children and that they could have playdate together. But things were different now: Asher was here and she had no one that she wanted to start a family with. "I think I'm going to decline your offer."

Esther nodded, but pushed her back to behind the barrier. Ariel hit her head against the wall, Asher going down next to her. "You two shall leave, I have unfinished business with my sons."

Ariel looked over at Klaus, but he simply nodded his head. "You two go."

Asher helped Ariel up and they quickly walked out. He set her down on a bench a couple blocks away. "Why does she despise you so much?"

"She hated me for dating Kol. Plus, I might've called her a bitch on multiple occasions."

"I'm not going to leave you Ash," she continued. "You're my brother and I love you."

He smiled at her words, giving her a side hug. "I love you too."


i feel like this chapter was boring, but whatever there's going to be a lot of kariel next chapter!

do you think ariel should stick with klaus and elijah or no?

do you think ariel should stick with klaus and elijah or no?

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