"Uh..." the twins pointed at me behind Tamaki. He slowly turned around and saw me glaring at him.

"Once again, you are not my dad Tamaki, and it's not your job to be worrying about my innocence. If I want to wear a bikini, I can. I can make my own decisions." I snapped at him.

Tamaki's jaw dropped and the twins started giggling at him.

"(Y/n)-chan!" I heard Honey yell. I smiled and turned to face him, "Let's play! You wanna go swimming in the current pool with me?"

I couldn't resist his adorable puppy dog eyes, "Sure, I'll go swimming with you."

His eyes lit up and he grabbed my arm, "Come on, let's go!"

I laughed and followed him over to the pool. He let go of my arm and leaped into the pool, "Takashi!"

Mori turned to look at his friend and smiled and him swimming around with his bunny float. I laughed and took off my pullover, then jumped in after Honey.

Mori followed after me and we all began to splash each other. Honey jumped on Mori's back and Mori started swimming against the current.

"Hey! Look at this, everybody! Check it out! Even though we're swimming really fast we never do any further than we are now!" Honey yelled.

I giggled and hoisted myself out of the pool to sit on the edge, my legs still dangling in the water. I could see Tamaki staring at me in my peripheral vision. He was suddenly pelted with water to the face.

"I got ya!" Hikaru said, a water gun in his hand.

 "Come on, boss, let's have a water fun fight!" Kaoru said.

"It'll be me and Kaoru against you. If you get it in the face, you lose. What do you say?"

"Forget it," Tamaki huffed, "why would I subject myself to a childish game like that?"

Probably because you are a child. I laughed at my own joke.

The twins looked over at me then smirked. They ran over and wrapped their arms around me, "(Y/n), I think it's time that we got married!" Hikaru smiled.

"Then we'll honeymoon in Atami!" Kaoru said.

Well, that's one way to get Tamaki's attention.

Tamaki's eyes shot open and he ran to grab a water gun, "Do you really think I'd ever let (Y/n) marry you guys?! Daddy says no!" He pointed the gun at the twins and fired.

I ducked in time and got out of the range of the water being blasted. I sat down on one of the chairs and watched the battle and I sipped on Tamaki's drink that he left behind.

Hey, he was occupied and I didn't want to waste it, plus I wasn't using the straw.

Mori walked over and sat down next to me, "Taking a break, huh? Do you want something to drink?" I held up another drink that was on the table next to me.

"Yeah, thanks," he said as he took it from me. It was rare when I heard his voice, but when I did, I kind of liked it. It was really deep and masculine, unlike Tamaki's.

I smirked at my thought and started watching the battle again. Tamaki was charging at the twins, "I'll get you guys!" he fired at the twins, but they used some sort of Tiki decorations to shield them.

"That's cheating!" Tamaki yelled. He spun around slipped on a banana peel. He squealed like a girl and dropped his gun, then stumbled along until he rammed head first into a totem pole.

The twins and I busted up laughing, but soon stopped as the totem pole idol's eyes started to glow red.

We all exchanged glances as we started to hear a loud rumbling. Suddenly a huge wave erupted at the current pool, it came crashing down on top of Honey.

I gasped "Honey-senpai!" I yelled.

"Mitsukuni!" Mori shouted.

We both sprinted in the direction the wave was carrying him away, but Mori tripped and tumbled to the ground.

I ran to his side and helped him up. The rest of the club caught up with us, "Gentlemen and lady, we're going after Honey-senpai!" Tamaki shouted.

"The cause of our present situation seems to be the location of the switch for the current pool. I'll have to have a little chat with our designers," Kyoya closed his notebook, "Thanks a lot, you guys. I got some great data today."

"You what?!" we all shouted together.

Ugh. If Honey didn't just get swept away by a giant wave, I would have definitely punched Kyoya.

Why Me? (Tamaki X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα