Chapter 1

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Aaaah, the smell of a new school year! New teachers, new rooms, new friends. Ugh, I hate it! Why did my school have to close?!, I question aloud in my head. Couldn't it have waited until next year, after I graduate??!!!

I sigh as I enter my new homeroom. Its full of kids my age, all happy and smiling as if this was the best year of their goddamn lives. I take a seat and I as do, I scan the room, looking for anything that will catch my eye: a cute boy, an interesting fight, but no there's nothing but cheerful auras of giddy scholars. God, I hate this place already!

I open my book bag and start to sort out all my school supplies. As I do I think about last year, my last year at my school. I look towards my old classmates, but now they all seem different and new to me. I look at my desk and realize that my school no longer existed. Sigh, the good ole' days.

“Hey, what's your name?” I glance sideways to look at the boy who had just interrupted my train of memories.

I sigh and reply in my most sarcastic tone, “Alexandra, and yours, may I ask, is..?”

He just smiles and just replies, “Anthony Curtis. Nice name. Are you Asian?”

I'm shocked, why would anyone in their right mind be that blunt?!

“ Well, duh, I'm Asian! I look Chinese to you right?!”

He shies away a little as if offended, “ Uh, yeah.”

I feel a wave of guilt wash over me, I sigh, combing my hand through my black hair, “Look, I'm sorry. It's just new school year and stuff. It's just a bad day for me. 'K?” He nods and turns away and starts talking to one of his friends. I close my eyes for a second and scold myself in my head. Great, what a way to start the school year!

Little did I know that my life was going to change forever. All because of Anthony.

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