03 - Drawer

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You draw me in,
then pushed me away—
only needed me
when you needed something

You reached out inside me
where my existence might be of use;
but you hesitate,
you got scared—
and it got you wondering

You thought it might
not be best to put the good stuff;
the good stuff,
in a bad space

the only content of this space
is a memory of you
from the time you made the
space available—
and from the day,
where it all became a blur

You closed me—
from the time you realized,
that no space should be occupied
at the moment

Not knowing you locked it
there was no way others could
occupy that space again;
you've abandoned me

But what seemed empty felt heavier;
no one has ever filled the void like you did—

And sadly with you,
with you..

It was different

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