the battle of hogwarts.

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May 1998

Amaryllis and Tonks were currently battling against Bellatrix and Scabior, while Remus and Kingsley held their own against Fenrir and Dolohov.

"No, you don't understand," Rye heard a familiar voice shout not far from her person. "I'm on your side!" she then heard a large thudding noise as if someone had fallen over.

The eldest Malfoy child followed the sound to see several deatheaters pursuing her one and only brother.

"Draco!" she moved as fast as her feet would carry her, having no choice but to desert her cousin.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Amaryllis petrified one of the three men headed towards them. "Where's your wand?" she turned to Draco quickly, not seeing why he wasn't fighting.

"Potter took it," he told her honestly, keeping his eyes on the two remaining men.

Knowing there was zero time left for more questions; Rye merely shook her head and struck another deatheater down.

"Stay with me," she ordered, taking Draco's hand tightly within her own.

Two plus years worth of resentment seemed to vanish as the boy merely nodded, reciprocating the hold just as strongly.


When Lucius Malfoy's wand flew from his pale hand, he turned to his old friend, disbelief etched upon his aristocratic face.

"You dare stand against me?" his eyes narrowed at the man who had ceased his attack on Minerva.

"Had you chosen the right side, I would not," Severus enlightened the foolish pureblood.

"Severus, please," Narcissa pleaded, not wanting to see her husband harmed.

"It is you who has chosen incorrectly," Lucius told the potion's master, ignoring the fact that two wands were currently being directed at him. Minerva clearly didn't see the need to point hers at the other woman.

"I did not wish for it to come to this," Severus spoke truthfully prior to doing what needed to be done. He was very aware that the blonde would only continue trying to hunt down his daughter; whom he deemed a traitor.

"Severus-" Narcissa tried once more, unfortunately, to no avail.

"Avada Kedavra!" he cast the curse swiftly, thereafter watching Lucius fall to the ground; dead.


Luna, Ginny, and Neville kept close in the midst of this battle. The youngest girl of the trio knew that she would only be in Harry's way, so she decided to stay with her redheaded best friend.

Making their way over to Dean and Seamus (who appeared to have their hands full) they were momentarily halted.

"Behind you, Luna!" Ginny warned.

Not reacting quickly enough, Neville managed to come to her aid in time and saved Luna from the Cruciatus curse.

"Thank you, Neville," she hugged him appreciatively.

"Don't mention it," he said shakily.

"Come on," Ginny pressed, as they still needed to go and help their fellow classmates.

"Right behind you," Neville spoke for both Luna and himself, soon after following his girlfriend deeper into the fray.


Haley ran through the first floor corridor for the last time. It was a lot like her brother's first year: again, she was chasing after the boy, fearing for his life.

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