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Finally having located Ginny's bedroom (which took forever in Maggie's opinion; the house had to have like a bazillion levels to it) she quickly ran inside to see a raven-haired girl sitting in the middle of a mid-sized bed, talking animatedly with two red-headed twin boys.

"Hay!" she happily shouted the nickname, practically pouncing on her old friend.

"Erm... hey? the twins responded confusedly, wondering if they should remove the crazed blonde off of Haley.

"No, not hey," Maggie told them after releasing her hold on the other girl, "It's Hay," she smiled, "her nickname."

"What are you doing here?" Haley managed to ask once the surrealism had lessened some. Afterall, she hadn't seen her friend in over two years now; and what she was doing at the Burrow of all places only left her all the more at a loss for words.

"To see you, of course!" Maggie explained, feeling a little hurt. "After I found out where you were, I'd thought-"

"Wait," Fred cut her off, "How did you find her, exactly?" George asked. Haley remained silent, also dying to know.

Maggie sighed, originally having expected this visit to be a lot more exciting. "Well, this woman, McGonna-something," she wasn't sure of the correct name, "came to my house earlier to tell me that I'm a witch," she stated casually, as if these sorts of things happened to her all the time. "Then about halfway into our meeting, this Dumbles-man popped into the house and began telling the professor lady all about how you went missing on a trip with your dad," Maggie paused at that, "you have tons of explaining to do on that one, by the way," she informed Haley, causing green eyes to look away guiltily. "And then the McGonna-person told him that she knew where you'd be," she took a breath, having been talking fast, "that's when I spoke up and asked to go with her. Then," blue eyes shined, "she said yes, and now I'm here!"

"Wow, Mags," Haley was the first to say, "I can't believe this," she shook her head, still trying to wrap the news around her very confused mind.

"Well, you'd better," she playfully hit the opposite girl's knee. "Because now that I've got you, I'm never letting go again," Maggie then hugged her once more, "I missed you so much," she said whilst holding on.

"I missed you too," Haley admitted, giving the blonde a squeeze before releasing her. Meanwhile, the twins stood at either side of the bed, having been knocked off when Maggie suddenly lunged onto it.

"Sorry, you two," Maggie looked between Fred and George. "I didn't mean to startle you like that," she smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, no you didn't scare us," George began, "We're used to random girls throwing themselves at us," Fred smirked.

Haley laughed as Maggie stuck her tongue out at them. "I wasn't aiming for either of you," she informed them, "and you know it."

"Sure," Fred joked, "Whatever you say," his twin added sarcastically.

Before Maggie could get a word in edgewise, Haley spoke up again. "Why don't we all sit on the floor?" she suggested, feeling too crowded for her liking.

Much to her relief, her friends agreed and migrated onto the carpet below; forming a square rather than the circle her and the other Weasley's usually created.

"So what's this about you having a dad?" Maggie inquired, desperate to know.

"Um," Haley fiddled with her hands nervously. "Well..." she wasn't sure how to respond to that. Yes, she had a father and all, but he wasn't anywhere near what she had expected. Haley honestly wasn't certain if she considered the man her father at all.

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