Reason 1

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Her eyes tear up as she is shocked and filled with sadness. Here is the tape.

"Hey. You might not know me, or even remmber me. But it's me, Bryan Stewart. The only people who will hear of these files is the 20 of you on them. You may not tell anyone else of these files. No, I didn't send the files. I'm dead. But a trusted friend is not. You all know what you did to me, maybe you don't, some of you are so blind to only your own self.

     If you were given this file, you were one of the reasons why I'm gone. Just listen to me. I wish everyone who was on these files could hear me, but the only ones who will hear it are you 20. So who's number 1? Well, let me tell you. This is someone I knew my whole life. I was 8 when they were born. That changed my life. I was the most important member of my family. Until you were born.

   Tyler, you're reason number 1. Yes you were only 11 when I died, but still you caused a lot of pain. Not only did you steal the attention away from me, you stole everyones care for me. Like an unamed friend thst will come later in these files. You took my friendship from her, you took my parents care away from me and you even managed to make my sister even like you better. Even though you wet the bed every night and still haven't overcame it.

    Well I can't say I hate you, only because your my little cousin, but I definently didn't like you. We fid have goof times. Like when you spent summer over at our place. We played a game callef "SKYLANDERS" everyday. It was our only real connection we had.

     The rest of the times were terrible. You ruined all my weekends. All my parties. I could never have friends over cause you would always come over. I couldn't stand you. You also were more popular than I ever was. Maybe I was jeolous of you. You were what I couldn't be. But you have timento grow, maybe you'll grow up to be like me. Just less.... dead.

Press the skip button for reason 2.

     Tina is crying. She missed his voice. She is confused to why she made him kill himself. She was also very consurned for what Tyler felt, being just a child and hearing this file. And thenother files, what else did he hear? Did anyone else hear the files? Her fear scares her into listening to the second part of the file.

That One KidOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz