Everyone had seen what the other kids were coming back with as their 'Lunch' and decided that they were better off not eating and talking during lunch instead. They hoped that dinner would be better.

Soon enough it was time to go, the rest of the kids that weren't new went to either their cells or the giant hangout room. A new guard, Joe came up to the kids and told them to follow him.

"I'll take a look at Romeos records for ya"

Grace whispered in Finns ear

"And how's that going to do me any good? Knowing his records doesn't get me with Millie"

Finn almost snapped back at Grace

"You never know..."

She trailed off walking towards the front of the line making Finn think. Romeo was just like them, a juvenile delinquent. They've all just done pretty much the same thing over and over again right?

Somehow Grace lucked out and got to have her mugshot taken right after Romeo's. She was the last one to get it taken as she took Romeo's file and pulled Finn aside

"Okay let's see what this Brit has really done"

Grace said deviously opening his folder reading every detail. Her expression faded from devious to scared as she read his records

"What is it? What's he done?"

Finn asked starting to get worried

Grace couldn't say anything and just gave Finn and very worried look, and before she knew it Finn had taken the folder from her hands and started to read

'Romeo Beckham
Age: 16
Offenses: Multiple counts of sexual harassment, multiple counts of sexual assault, multiple counts of rape & the beating of two 15 year old girls

Special Request: keep this kid away from any girls as he will trick them into thinking he likes them before sexually assaulting, harassing or even raping them after a certain point.

Hawkins County Police Department'

"I need to warn her"

Was all that Finn said before almost throwing the folder back at Grace and sprinting back to his cell where he knew Millie was.

Grace tried to call after Finn telling him that it was a dumb idea to tell her what Romeo had done but he wasn't about to stop and listen.

Finn walked into his cell where he found Millie just lying on her bed looking bored. He put his back against the door as he breathed heavily after running.

"There you are Finn, I was wondering when you were coming back"

Finn didn't waste anytime responding to Millie and just told her:

"You need to know what Romeo has done"

She sat up on her bed and looked at Finn like he was crazy

"He already told me"

She said shrugging her shoulders

"And you're okay with what's he's done?!"

Finn nearly shouted

"He just kept robbing a couple places Finn, it's really no big deal. We've both done worse"

Finn ran his hands through his hair and began to pace around the cell

"He lied to you, Millie"

Finn blurted out making Millie stand up

"What? No, he wouldn't do that to me"

Millie said getting defensive

"Millie look you need to listen to me—"

"No I don't!"

She said cutting him off

"Millie for fucks sake your little boyfriend isn't as good as you think he is"

Finn shouted

"Well of course not none of us are!"

Millie bitched causing Finn to sigh

"Multiple counts of sexual harassment, multiple counts of sexual assault, multiple counts of rape & the beating of two 15 year old girls"

Finn said leaving himself breathless

"That's what he's really done"

Finn added, after that for a few good minutes it was dead silent as Millie sat on her bed and looked at the floor


Millie said

"You're lying"

She added

"Millie what? No I'm not Ly—"

Finn was cut off, again

"Save it Finn. I know that Romeo hasn't done any of that and that you're just saying that because you're jealous of him. How fucking selfish can you possibly be? I'm sorry that I don't like that way but that gives you no reason to lie about Romeo"

Finn couldn't even bring himself to look at Millie anymore

"Now if you'll excuse me i don't like being in a cell with liars when I don't have to be"

And with that Millie left. Finn laid down in his bed as he felt salty tears start to well up in the backs of his eyes. Was he really about to cry over a girl he just met? Just because he was scared for her?

Yes, yes he was.

Yeet here's a longer update because why the hell not.

Y'all should comment some more too I fucking love reading your guys' comments they are actually the best

Madds— I want that fucking spoiler now

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