Life sounds like...

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Life sounds like trains in the distance through the open window. 

 It sounds the like hushed conversation of others that think you are asleep. 

 It sounds like night creatures singing. 

 Life sounds like humming while you work, 

and the same songs played on repeat through headphones. 

 It sounds like screams of utter joy and sometimes of sorrow. 

 Life sounds like the laughter of friends and the howling of coyotes. 

 It sounds like kids never giving up on their musical talent. 

 Life sounds like rude jokes and witty comebacks. 

 It sounds like the waves lapping against the boat, 

and a stadium of people shouting in unison. 

Life sounds like popcorn popping. 

It sounds like wind whistling through the trees and making the house creek. 

 It sounds like the pounding of footsteps on the stairs, 

and the click of a lamp turning off. 

 Life sounds like the occasional turning of a page or scribble of a pen on paper. 

 It sounds like exclamations of triumph and groans of disappointment. 

 Life sounds rain pounding on the roof and thunder clapping violently. 

 It sounds like the thump of an arrow hitting it's target, 

and it sounds like clapping and knee-slapping. 

 Life sounds like an entire congregation singing together to the tune of the organ, 

and a hammer beating down a nail. 

 It sounds like a plane flying low overhead. 

 It sounds like tears from the room next door. 

Life sounds like secrets whispered in ears, 

and music blasting in the car while you sing along with your friends.

It sounds like hearing the ocean for the very last time.

It sounds like "I love you".

It sounds like "goodbye".

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