Chapter Two: Training

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Alec thought he heard her wrong, but then again maybe he did. She didn't strike him as the kind of girl who'd want anything to do with violence. Then again her life had been turned upside down almost a month ago and she had discovered her parents were shadowhunters.

Sighing he tossed her what looked like a seraph blade of ice and crossed his arms looking intrigued by her. "So you want to be a shadowhunter?"

Clary looked at it like Alec found her fragile. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Call it's name." Alec smiled a genuine smile. "Every seraph blade has a unique name for every shadowhunter. It'll come to life once it's name has been called."

He watched her for minutes as she looked at the seraph blade. "Sachiel." She breathed the name between those pink lips of hers and the blade lit up with an angelic glow.

"Good," Alec didn't need to call the name of his blade when he did so in his mind causing the blade to light up. "Now to test your skills. Follow my lead."

A smile curved to her lips as she rose her seraph blade and clashed blades with him, feeling the adrenaline coursed through her veins. Her speed and agility matched his to an extent that Alec found himself backed up against the wall a few times with the blade extremely close to his throat.

"Not bad, but how long can you keep it up?" Alec shoved her blade back and used his strength to overpower her and swirled his blade around hers in order to unarm her. Within seconds he had his blade pointed underneath her chin.

She laughed at him—laughed—when he's the one with the blade pointed at her throat now. "You were so focused on getting that seraph blade at my throat that you didn't even notice."

Looking down Alec noticed now that she pointed it out he saw that she held a smaller blade pointed at a vital organ. "Impressive... but too close for comfort."

Clary just laughed again before removing the blade from his abdomen and though he may never admit it Alec was having a lot of fun sparring with her.

From that day forward they met in the training room daily for the next couple of weeks and never were they interrupted until Jace came in through the door with Church at his heels. Alec and Clary didn't even notice him enter the room as they exchanged swing for swing with the seraph blades.

When they ended their spar Clary ended up in Alec's arms looking up into his blue eyes and a smile formed on her lips. Slowly Alec lowered his head to hers but before anything could happen Jace let out an outraged roar and picked up Church, throwing the cat at them.

Alec looked up wide eyed as he dodged the flying, yowling cat, and took Clary to the floor with him. "What in Raziel's name!? Jace!"

Church landed on his paws with his fur puffed up like a christmas tree. He turned to glare at Jace before he walked out all sassy-like and his nose in the air.

Alec still held Clary in his arms as he looked up at Jace with a scowl. "I cannot believe you threw Church at me."

"A cat's wrath runs deep, Jace," Clary stated with amusement gleaming in those green eyes of hers. "You better watch your back."

"What the hell are you doing in his arms and what were you just about to do!?" Jace obviously didn't pay any attention to what they said only about the fact Clary was almost kissed by his so called friend.

They were silent a moment. "What did it look like Jace? Seriously, even you can't be that dense." Alec didn't mean to sound harsh, but he was irritated Jace had interrupted.

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