No Pun Intended

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It takes a while to fall asleep in this place, simply because trying to get some sleep in a prison of the mentally insane is like trying to fall asleep on speed; you just can't. The desperate cries and screams of the patients is overbearing, and it doesn't stop, not even for a single hour.

So imagine, you've finally managed to fall asleep after two hours of trying. Everything's peaceful, you're dreaming about something, it doesn't matter what it is, the point is you're asleep. But then, boom you're awoken by someone shaking you. Can you imagine how frustrating that is?

I peeled my eyes open and glared at clipboard guy who seemed to have an amused expression smeared across his face. "Reese, these morning naps need to come to an end," He laughed as he stood above me. I remained straight faced, I didn't find the situation humerus what so ever.

"Would you like to come downstairs?" He added, now realising I wasn't in the chit chat mood. I wanted to be stubborn and turn down the offer, but i knew that if I spent another day in this room, staring at the same four walls, not knowing what time or day it was, I would go insane. No pun intended.

I followed Dr.Olivers through the dim, narrow halls of Willow-Vale. The institute itself isn't your typical torture chamber, but it sure isn't a walk in the park either. The walls are painted white, or at least they once were. Now they're more of a tired yellow colour, and the chips, cracks and dents in them told me that they had seen better days. The flooring definitely hadn't been touched up in at least a few decades with the stains to prove it and to top it all off natural lighting is limited considering windows are unsuitable for mental hospitals, for obvious reasons.

Finally after what felt like an hours walk we reached  the room of which Olivers spoke so highly about, it wasn't much but there was human interaction and that's all I needed.

"I will be back to check on you later. Linda will take care of you for now." He informed, pointing toward a plump, red headed, poorly presented lady who leant her sloppy posture against the wall. The woman looked like she could murder anyone at any given second and for once I didn't want Olivers to leave. "Okay.." I mumbled, my voice hesitant. Unfortunately Olivers didn't quite notice my fear as he walked out without another word.

As he left a wave of intense anxiety washed over me. I noticed dozens of eyes staring my way. I felt as if I was the new kid at school. You know when everyone had already found their group of friends, and you? You were alone.

Linda dragged herself out of her slouched position and stomped over to me. "Everything artsy is on the left, and games such as chess and cards toward your right, I'll be around observing so no funny business, okay?" She warned, her voice sounding as if she'd smoked a few too many cigarettes in her lifetime, and her yellow stained teeth proved it. I nodded in reply, knowing that if I said another word she'd be stood next to me way for longer than I wanted her to.

"Well done." A deep voice spoke up. Naturally, i turned my gaze toward the sound. "For?" I was unsure of what he was praising me on. "Linda can be a handful, your best option is to nod and smile."

The boy was handsome. He had dirty blonde hair which slightly covered his emerald green eyes, but not too much. He had these plump, unique shaped lips which were by far his best feature. His jawline was sharply defined which just made him all the more attractive and to top it off his muscly arms were unbelievably attractive.

"Even if she didn't seem like an ignorant ass, I don't want someone who smells like an ashtray stood next to me" I laughed, but I wasn't joking. The boy joined in my laughter, then turned his attention back to his art.

"You drew this?" I asked, observing his art work. It was a picture of birds, realistic birds, flying across a beautifully drawn sky.

"It's not finished." He seemed paranoid, as if he didn't want me to see his unfinished work. I could tell he was a perfectionist.

"It's amazing, but why birds?" I questioned, curiosity lurking throughout my voice.

"I find them fascinating. Imagine having the ability to fly anywhere in the world, just imagine being able to go where you want." He said with such passion.

"You want freedom, huh?" My voice was low but as soon as those words left my mouth he stopped what he was doing. "That obvious huh?"

"What's your name?" I asked. The boy was intriguing. I wanted to know more about him.

"Trust me, you don't want to know my name."


"It's better this way." And he continued drawing his picture.

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