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" hurry up Carson " I whisper as I grab the bar. " what are you doing " he whispers, " getting the window open " I smile and swing up on the bar, I stand on it and jump to the window then to the next and flip onto the roof. Looking down the glass roof I kneel. I grab my lip stick and take the cap off and press the button on the side. A blue lazed comes out and I make a circle in the glass but not deep enough theatre fall to the ground. I use my gloves and turn on stick and pick up the glass it sticking to my hand. I put the glass down and hold my belt, the grabbing hook comes out and attaches to the vent, I make sure it's right then go down slowly. Looking around know one was coming I jump down. I let the hook come back to me, and run light footed to the ground window where Carson was. I go and open it and he climbs through. " teach me how to do that when we get back to the academy " he says, I smile and nod. I put my mouth thing up and so does he and we walk. We look around careful of security guards. But there really wasn't any. Strange. Till I heard footsteps not to far away. " Carson " I stop him, and pull him into a dark part of the hallway. I peek out still staying hidden and saw the two men. They were here. They were stealing it tonight! " Carson we have to distract them and get it " I tell him, " I'll distract them Carson. When I give you my single go and get the air controls. " I tell him, he nods and I take my bag. " wait I need your bag " Carson says, " I put the gear in your bag before we left " I tell him, and grab a purple ball. " when you see the purple smoke run that way " I point in the direction of the air controlls. " I'll only be able to distract them for half hour so hurry " I tell him, he nods. I hold the ball tightly in my hands and listen to there footsteps once there clear I go out of the shadow and roll the ball. The ball exploded into a purple dust blinding them. Dropping my bag, I jump up and kick them both back. Hearing Carson running down the hallway. I get into a fighting position making sure my mouth cloth was on over my mouth and my mask was tight and would not fall off, and my hood was up and wouldn't fall. " what the hell " one of them said, " What are you doing here " the other asks there faces clearly angry from the purple dust on there face almost making the smaller one blind, the bigger one was angry really angry. " What are you doing here, I asked " he says, I get into fighting position fist up. The guy gets into the stance too, " fighting it is then " he says and goes to kick me, I block it and grab his leg keeping him up then round house kick him in the side. I grab his arm and flip him, and he lands on the ground with a thud, then him groaning. The younger one charges at me still trying to remove the purple dust and I side step out of the way so he goes straight into the wall. And at that moment I heard groaning from upstairs where the air controls were. I run to my bag and pick it up and run towards the groan.

Entering the exhibit of the elements where the air controls was I see Carson on the ground and the third man standing above him. " Well well" the man says looking at me, " well, another little boy trying to get what's my masters " he says, so they do work for someone. I knew it! " who do you work for " I ask my voice as low and masculine as I could. " I'm not saying that. But tell me why your here " he says and stands getting off a lossy Carson. He had punched Carson pretty hard and probably a couple of times. " Here for the same thing you are. But to make sure you don't get it " I say bravely, he laughs. " as if! Two young 18 year old boys come to try to handle stuff for the big boys. Wow " he says and laughs harder. I glare at him, " Why'd you kill Princess Anya sister? " I ask him, he stops laughing and looks at me. " I didn't mean to kill the girl. She shouldn't have melded. We were to capture her and princess Anya not kill. " he says, " are you still? " I ask, " Yes. We still are to go after her majesty, but the elder princess we want to offer are condolences to his majesty the king " he says, he worships dad. His boss must too then...who were these guys. " who are you " I ask, " none of your business boy. Now take your friend and go and let us be " he says his attitude now changing. " I'm not going any where. Why do you want the air controls " I ask, " don't know. My leader wants it, and I follow him with my life now..if you won't force you. " he says, I see him go to Carson and I press my alert button on my phone signalling Adrian and the guardians that I'm in trouble. The man picks Carson up, and that's when I've had it. I swing my arms and fling him to the wall. The air controls panel opens and it flys into my hands. It was a white pendent with the air symbol on it. It was a beautiful pendant. Holding it tightly in my hand and looking at the man I look at him. " your an alchemist " he says shocked, " don't believe the dead always stay dead " I tell him, and that's when the window shattered. Falling to the ground guardians sworn the room, and a dr at Carson side, and Adrian rushing in with Anya. I take my hood off, including my mask and mouth cloth and the man looks even more shocked. " There's men from the mall down stairs as well " I tell the guardians. Two pick the man on the ground and hand cuff him. " see. Not everything dead stays dead " I tell him smiling and walk to Anya. " Your okay " she says and hugs me tightly, " of course I am " I smile hugging her back. " But you pressed the button " she says panicking , " for Carson " I tell her and she looks at him. Tears start to brim her eyes and she hugs me back. " he's not dead " I whisper to her, " he's just out cold " I tell her. I take her out the door and the museum had guards around now. I hide the pendant in my sweater and get into the SUV with Anya.

Sitting in my chair and taking a sip of the nice cold water I think about the pendant in my pocket. Why would they want the Air controls. There's four controls, and they in someone possession increase there Air abilities as you can tell it was for the alchemist from a thousand years ago when there was a whole civilization of them. " What did you steal " I jump in my seat and turn to see Adrian leaning against the wall arms over his chest. I take the pendant out of my sweater pocket and put it on the table carefully. Adrian comes over and stares at it with question and awe. " that's what they wanted to steal? " he asks eyes wide, " yep. Says his master wants it. " I tell him, " his master I think looks to my father, worships him. He didn't want to kill me or Anya. He wanted to kidnap us " I tell Adrian standing up. But there was a question for my father I need to ask. A couple actually, and some answers. 1) did he send uncle Issac. 2) Is there anyone that's insane that worships him and may do criminal activity. 3) is he so insane that he would kidnap you daughters. And my answer to him, those guys want to kidnap Anya and I, not kill. But there was a question, who are these guys following and who ever he is..what does he want?

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