Chapter 6

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The lady that adopted me brought me to a drug store quickly and I make my way to the hair section, buying myself some blue hair dye. As we are walking to where ever she was taking me she tells me her name is Minerva McGonagall, I acknowledge what she said before asking, "Can we stop at a hotel or something so I can dye my hair?" she says yes, so we start walking to a hotel that's a few blocks down from the store. When we get there she signs us out a room and I go to the bathroom to dye my hair. Once I finish dying it I had to wait for it to set, so I went to the main room to talk with Minerva. "Hi." I say to her, she replies to me with a formal hello. "Hayley, come sit over here I need to talk to you about something." She says so I walk over to the bed she's sitting on, she then asks, "Hayley have any strange unexplainable things ever happened that had to do with you?" I reply with, "well ya I guess." " Hayley I'm a witch and so are you. I can prove it, watch" I'm shocked when she brings out a weird looking stick, waves it a says something along the lines of 'wingaredium leviosa'  then a book starts lifting off of the table it was on," Wow" is all I can manage to say, "would I really be able to do something like that one day?" " Yes, you will, and so will your brother." " wait I really have a brother?" "Yes you do Hayley, and you will see him soon because you have been accepted to the best wizarding school there is. Hogwarts." 'Wow' I think again. Well time to wash out my hair and see the finished product.

Once I finish washing out the hair dye, I walk back out to where Minerva was, she then tells me that she had some clothes for me to change into, so I walk into the bathroom to change (outfit above). When I finally walk out of the bathroom Minerva tells me I look beautiful and we finally leave the hotel.

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