Chapter 3

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I walk upstairs to the bathroom and face the mirror. I am a disgrace, I just hate myself so much. I feel myself grow angrier and angrier with myself. As tears fall down my face, leaving my eyes to be red and puffy, I put my hands on the wall and bash my head into the mirror causing it to smash. I grab a piece of the smashed mirror and start to unroll my sleeves. I tense my arm to get my veins up then start to cut my arms. I pain of the cuts felt so good. Pain is just weakness leaving the body. The blood drips from my arms onto the sink, one droplet at a time. After about twenty cuts I decide to stop. It's hard too but I do. Some days I don't, I carry on all day. I look to the side and grab some tissue to clean up the blood. I clean it up then flush the evidence down the toilet. You know what they say, when you break a mirror you get seven years bad luck, well mine started three weeks ago. I clean up the mirror and the rest of the evidence and grab the keys from the side. I get my handbag from the side, put Goose into the kitchen then head off to my car. I get in the car and out my seatbelt on. Before starting up the car I dial Mamrie's number and put it on speaker. I start the car while I rang then Mamrie picks up.

"I'm just on my way."

"Good because Hannah and I are waiting for you. We are just setting up the cameras."

"Ok. Well I'm just turning down your street now."

"Ok bye."

"Bye." I said as Mamrie hangs up. Mamrie only lived two streets down from mine but I still feel as though I should drive and not walk there. I park up next to Hannah's car then grab my handbag and get out the car. I get to the front door and don't even have to knock as Hannah opened it. It seems as if they had been waiting by the window and watching to see when I arrived.

"Hey Gracie."

"Hi Hannah." I smiled.

"Come inside. We are ready to start to make videos straight away. We're doing 'you deserve a drink' first then we are going to do a 'my drunk kitchen' then if you want to do a video then sure."

"Ok cool." I replied as I put my handbag on the side and get greeted by Beanz and Mamrie.

"Hey Smellbig."

"Hey Mames."

"Right let's get going." Mamrie said as she led me to her kitchen and put me in front of the camera.

"Hi and welcome to you deserve a drink. I'mmmm Mamrie Hart and today we have two awesome guests, my best friends Grace and Hannah."

Halfway through making the video I start to become dizzy and my eyesight become blurry. My hearing was muddled and I was becoming really hot. My head was pounding and my plans were sweating. I try my hardest to cling onto the glass I was holding but nothing helped, no matter how much I clutched onto it. The glass slides out of my hand and falls to the ground smashing on the floor leaving a wet patch of wine on the floor.

"Only Grace she is such a clumsy person." Mamrie laughed, I was weak and put on a weak smile and forced a fake laugh. My eyes flutter and roll back to reveal the whites of my eyes. They suddenly close and darkness.


"Nurse. Nurse she's waking up." Hannah whispered.

"Hey. Hey Gracie. You ok?" Mamrie smiled as my vision come back to normal. My hand goes to my head where I had a bandage wrapped around my head. I must had bashed my head when I fainted. My hand then goes to my arm which was also bandaged up.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital Grace. You hurt your arm and lost a lot of blood which then caused you to faint and bash your head on the way down." The nurse explained. She does some routine tests then leaves me with Hannah and Mamrie.

"Grace. Grace we need to ask you something important and I need you to answer me honestly."

"Ok. What's happening?"

"Did you do that to your arm?"


"Grace we know that isn't the truth." Hannah sighed.

"If you want the truth then yes. Yes, I smashed my mirror and slowly and painfully sliced my skin on my arm to shreds. There you go. You happy. You happy I had to explain myself to you."

"Grace, we're sorry."


"Grace, Grace clam down."

"GET OUT. JUST GET OUT." I shouted as they left me on the room alone.

"Miss Helbig, is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. Can I go home now?" I said as I stopped crying.

"Yeah, we got your test results back and everything is ok. We checked the damage from your burns and everything seems to be ok." The nurse explained. "I'll go and get your things and then you can be on your way."

"Thank you." I sighed as I started to feel sleepy again. I rested my eyes for a little while and found myself to asleep for nearly three hours.

"NO!" I screamed as I woke up from my dream. Tears treated down my face and my breathing was faster then usual. I cleaned myself up then grab my things from the side where the nurse had obviously left them and made my way out to my car. Started it up then headed back to my house. But first I needed to stop somewhere, so I can make this all better. Somewhere where I can be high.

Legitimate Rape| Grace HelbigNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ