Chapter 15

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"Of course baby. Eli is perfectly fine however, he is very small and needs help breathing." Chester explained as he had the midwives put both Elliott and Evan away into their cribs. I wait until they were safely in their cribs and the midwives took us to where Eli was being carefully looked after. I look in and see this small fragile body hooked up to every piece of skin he had. This diaper couldn't even fit around his small body, it would just fall off. The blue woollen hat covers his head, to keep him warm. A light under his body to stop jaundice, and return his yellow body back to normal.

"Can I hold him?" I asked as I enter the room.

"Listen, I'm sorry but you can't just because he is too small to move and the machine is helping him breathe. You can once he gets bigger. I have been talking to the hospital staff and midwives and you can take Evan and Elliott home. They are both perfectly fine, we just need to help them for a bit." The senior midwife who was looking after Eli said.

"But we don't have anything for them here. We were just here for the convention." I sighed as Chester pulled me into him by my waist.

"How about I drive back to home and grab the car seats we have for the triplets. Would it be ok if you guys could maybe fly Eli to a hospital via a paramedic helicopter?" Chester asked as he kissed my forehead. I turn to the midwife with tears in my eyes, hoping and praying that she will say yes.

"I can ask, but I'm sure that will be ok with us. We will call the hospital closer to you and make sure they know that you guys are coming." The senior midwife smiled as she looked at Eli's vitals. I stare at disbelief before running up to the midwife and bringing her into a big, tight hug.

"Thank you, how can I ever repay you?"

"You don't need to."

"Right, I'm going to head back home and grab some things to bring the boys home. Text me what else we need." Chester said as he kissed me before leaving to the car. The midwives show me back to where Elliott and Evan were being cared for. They were finally dressed and ready to go back to our room. They both get put into a  crib with wheels. I took Evan's crib while another midwife took Elliotts and we wheel them back to my room, ready for Chester to pick us all up. While this happens the doctors and nurses help get Eli ready for his trip to LA hospital in the helicopter. He is lucky, I've never even been near a helicopter, let alone be in a helicopter.

With the help of a midwife, I breastfeed both the boys. Once done, I have to pump so milk for Eli. The midwife shows me how to use the pump and leaves me while I pump.

"Hey, is it ok for me to come in?" Mamrie asked, as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah of course. They are finally asleep." I smiled as the pump continues to make loud noises as it takes my milk.

"Geez Helbig put it away." Mamrie laughed as she points to my breast.

"Oi, I need some way to feed my children." I laughed as I slapped her on the arm.

"Ok, you win."

"How was Vidcon?" I asked noticing that Hannah must still be at Vidcon as she wasn't here with Mamrie.

"It's good, we are going to have to organise another meet up for the fans who paid money to meet you."

"Yeah I know."

"Now, who is this lovely little boy?" Mamrie said as she picks up Elliott.

"That there is Elliott. Elliott this is your godmother." I smiled as I gave her a necklace I have been saving in my purse that says 'godmother'.

"Really...well. I would be honoured to be your god-mother Elliott. Is Hannah Evan's?" Mamrie questioned.

"Yeah she is." I explained as I took the pump off my breast and put my breast away. I pick up Evan and place him in my
arms and sat and watched him.

"I still can't believe he is mine." I smiled as I circled my hand over his hair.

"So who is Eli's god-mother?" Mamrie questioned, as we swapped babies.

"Easy, Colleen." I said as I grab my phone from the side. Chester had reached home in record time. He didn't know what to bring so we decided to face time.

"Hey baby doll."

"Shush your gonna wake up the babies." I said as I put my finger to my lips.

"Oops sorry. So what should I bring?" Chester asked.

"Two coming home outfits, diapers, wet wipes, the carseats and a pacifier each." I said as he got everything once I watched him. Soon enough he was on his way back to the hospital with everything. I just frightened by the fact that Hannah bursts into the room.

"Sup bitches." Hannah yelled as she jumps into the room

"Oi. I am holding a very special baby so can you please not make me jump. Well, you this is little guy you are holding?"

"This here is your god-son Evan."
I smiled as I waited for her reaction.

"God-son. Really, Smelly you shouldn't have. Oh smelly." Hannah cried as she pulled me into a hug and took the baby out of my arms and into a long embrace. I get my phone out and quickly take a snap of the two then a snap of Mamrie and Elliott. It feels as though we are leaving Eli out, but I can't help the fact he is tiny, and weaker then the two boys. I sit there and smile for a while. Wondering. Pondering. I still couldn't believe these boys were mine, I made them!

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