December 24, 2012

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It's Christmas Eve: the day obviously before Christmas. The day that, before stuff turned real, parents would go mad with shopping power to get what their children want for Christmas. Speaking of which, ash began falling down onto me like black snow. I'd hate to be forced to make Ash Angels in a time like this, but... I gotta find some water again. You'd think that I'd still have more, but because of volcanic activity... I must stop thinking that my notebook can read everything I write. Well, I hope I get lucky with finding water like I was with food.

Dear God. Parden my language, but what I've seen is something I shouldn't have. I broke through a window with the hilt of my sword and found more dried corpses crawling towards the door. The woman, or so I thought, was holding a dried-up baby. They must've heard the news later than we did. Still, taking water from a family that was trying to escape... I can't do it. I know I need to survive in this apocolypse, but I won't turn into a jerk just to live! I'm deciding on finding a more "practicle" appartment to find water. I can't stand on looking at this rasin family any longer.

No, no, no! No water bottles anywhere! I must've spent my entire afternoon being an idiot breaking through windows just for water! I think that mall that crumbled was the only place that had water, too! FFFFFFFFFUUUUU! I'm not going to drink my own blood to survive! I'm going to find an edible liquid and I'm gonna like it!

"Be careful what you wish for," they said. As soon as I said that in here, I went into a house and found expired soda. Useless as heck, but it'll keep me occupied for a few days... and I even brought some bags with me!

Crap! I just saw a building crumble behind me! And it was the only one that connected me to food! Unless I fly over the now large gap, I can't get any food or water! Can't go inside my home building, either (face it, one screw up and I'm done). Guess there's only one option left: I have to leave Virginia. Only three days here, excluding my arival, and now I'm forced to leave; but what does the rest of the country look like? Is it molten like Virginia? There's only one way to find out.

I feel so defenceless now that the structures are starting to fall. I can't even sleep at night anymore. Still assuming, huh? Anyway, I just got done eating bacon, yet again. It feels like the flavor and sa... I'm just gonna make myself hungry again if I go full into detail. I'm just using this as a short break before I continue my escape from this place.

OH MY GOD!!! HOW DID I SURVIVE?! I used a leaning building to try to escape when it leaned to far. It was about to crush me when I rolled out of the way after landing on some hot grass. I ran afterward into this empty field. Looking at it now, it's a bit peaceful. No harm in sight, no thick black ashes, just... peace. I never felt this way since that "occurance," but now... I feel like I could just lay on the nice, soft, beautifu--

I had a bit of a reality check. Turns out, in the "beautiful plains" there's snow! And not even a log cabin-esk object around. Great. Now instead of burning alive in lava, I'm going to freeze to death! Just wonderful! Well, as much as I'd like to get to bed, I'm going to have to start making a shelter pretty quickly cause, common logic, it's going to be cold as heck tonight. Well, time to make some wood.

I just made a simple campfire with some wood I--

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