December 23, 2012

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How did I not die? The building could've crumbled under me, the lava could've engulfed me, I could've dried up like a rasin... but here I am, writing in this notebook feeling as fine as ever... *sigh* mom wouldn't want me to act so... how do I put this nicely... so "hateful of life?" Awkward, but that'll do for now. Well, time for breakfast.

Can't say I was fond of rasins and a black carrot, but it'll do until I find a market that isn't submerged in lava. Oh, I remember how the dogs used to bug me whenever I did things in my room. Now, I see varoius corpses on the rooftops that vaguely remind me of them. D-Don't look at me like that! It's only my second day! I'm not desperate for company... yet. Gah! Sitting here arguing with my notebook...! I'm gonna go find another market!

Do you know how I found you? You were in that basement when I first came here. It's only my second day in this Hell Hole, and I can only tell that some spirit is going to drive me insane for you. Well, getting back on topic, I didn't find a market, but I "broke into" a house for supplies. I say it like that because I mistimed a jump and ended up crashing through a window into an appartment. Can't say I feel sorry for the family; their corpses were like dry, brown rasins. I just hope they don't haunt me after I stole their food. Oh! And did I forget to mention about the wonderful plumbing nowadays?! It's so amazing that when you turn the fause-- oh great, here I go again thinking that my notebook is a living being. Anyway, getting back on topic, instead of rasins and burnt vegies for meals, I'll be having some... bacon...

Pardon my little break, I was just so stupid, I forgot to get a bag for all the stuff I got! All a month's worth of food gone! All because I didn't get a bag! Unbelievable! ..... Well, I guess some bacon never hurt anybody...

Another day burnt away... y'know, I could be a poet if I wanted to, but not tonight. I just got done with dinner, yet... I don't know, I feel lonly. I know it isn't much, but I doubt others survived this living Hell. Well, I'm off to "bed" (my coat over some concrete) now. As per usual, I'll write my prayer in here.

Dear God, thank you for a better day. I hope that things don't get worse as my new life goes on. All I hope is that someday I'll find something or someone whom I can be a friend to. I doubt that It'll be, but I can't lose hope! So, in your name, Amen.

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