" I didn't know you were here." Said Juan.

" I just arrived." Said Hermes.

" So why are you here Hermes?" Asked Juan.

" I came to tell Timothy a message." Said Hermes.

" What is it this time?" Asked Timothy.

" There's another demon terrorizing Mount Olympus." Said Hermes.

" Why don't you get help from the other mages?" Asked Timothy.

" They're at their weakest right now, but not you." Said Hermes.

" See you later love, don't miss me too much." Said Timothy.

" So are you coming or not?" Asked Hermes.

" You are too impatient Hermes, but sure." Said Timothy.

Timothy had then grabbed the silver sphere out of his pocket.

" You don't have to do it this time dude." Said Hermes.

Timothy then put the silver sphere back in his pocket. Hermes had then grabbed Timothy by his shoulder and dashed away to mount Olympus.

" I don't see this demon that could weaken Mount Olympus's mages." Said Timothy.

"Turn around." Said Hermes.

Timothy has turned out to see a giant black shroud of smoke with a hint of red in the top.

" That's not a demon you idiot!" exclaimed Timothy.

" Then what is it?" Asked Hermes.

" It's a soul snatcher." Said Timothy.

" A soul snatcher?" Asked Hermes.

" Never heard of it." Said Hermes.

" They're also called Achetez sur Amazon, because of the French discovering them first when the 1st reaper took a turn for the worst and decided to terrorize France." Said Timothy

." The bastard." Said Timothy.

" Then how do you take one of these down?" Asked Hermes.

" Just leave that to me nincompoop." Said Timothy.

" You better watch it." Said Timothy.

" What are you going to do, send me an e-mail that is insulting me?" Asked Timothy.

Timothy then dashed into the scene where the soul snatcher had been trying to steal another soul from the bystander he was holding.

" Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food?" Asked Timothy.

Then the soul snatcher had turned around and faced Timothy with its dead, bloodshot eyes into Timothy's dead eyes.

" It's your turn." Said Timothy.

" Really?" Asked the deep British voice in his head.

" I need you to take over so this monster doesn't take my soul, that's it." Said Timothy.

" Ok, boss." Said the deep British voice in his head.

Suddenly his bones in his wrists had started to make a crack and Timothy's eyes had turned red.

" It's good to be back." Said Timothy in a deep British voice.

" It's my turn to be the cynical one." Said a voice in his head that sounded exactly like Timothy in his head.

" I deserve it." Said Timothy.

" So what am I supposed to do?' Asked Timothy.

" You're going to use a draining life spell." Said the voice in his head.

" Huh?" Asked Timothy.

" You're going to drain all he souls it collected like you drain someone's fun." Said the voice in his head.

Timothy had raised his hand and summoned red lightning streaks at the creature. The creature had started to shrink and dissipate into thin air until nothing was left. It had remained peaceful until a bunch of black smoke had flown into multiple directions but they always landed in a human's chest.

" There you go I did the dirty work you lazy bastard." Said Timothy.

" Why are you calling me lazy and a bastard?" Asked Hermes.

" Why are your eyes red?' Asked Hermes.

" Is it because of that deal you made with the devil?" Asked Hermes.

" Now that you've had your fun, it's time to get back to reality." Said the voice in his head.

" Not yet." Said Timothy.

His eyes had returned to brown eyes.

" So what were you saying?" Asked Timothy.

" He was asking you why do have the intelligence of a rock?" Said the deep British voice in his head.

" You could hide behind this mask of hatred but your real face is compassion." Said Timothy.

" You were always too sappy, you make me sick." Said the deep British in his voice.

" Whatever." Said Timothy.

" Don't you have to get back to training Timothy?" Asked Hermes.

" And I thought you were the fun one." Said Timothy.

" Sorry I got your hopes up, but I take my job seriously and I don't need some twerp following me like a puppy." Said Hermes.

" And I thought Re......." Said Timothy.

" Don't say my name!" exclaimed the voice in his head.

" You always hated people saying your name." Said Timothy.

" I have a good reason, unlike why you won't ask out Deity." Said the deep British voice in his head.

" Aren't you Mr. Snitch today?" Said Timothy.

" So what it's not like anyone else knows about it." Said the deep British voice in his head.

" You forgot about these idiots who aren't as amazing as me reading my life story." Said Timothy.

" Oops." Said the deep British voice in his head.

" I might as well tell them what your real name is." Said Timothy.

" its re." Said Timothy.

" What the fuck happened?" Asked Timothy.

" My computer ran out of charge." Said Anthony.

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