" Hm? " He yawned under the duct tape

Good he's up.

" We gotta get out of here and contact the police. " I whispered, getting paranoid of Ayano eavesdropping on our conversation even if she's out.

His eyes then opened fully, recalling where we are and what happened.

He groaned and tried to wriggle out. My hands reached out and ripped the duct tape off his lips. He squealed like a girl and a tear could be seen on the edge of his eye.

" Ouch, you dick, I think you ripped my lip off; " He whined,

" Whatever it's not like you have any. You have Donald Trump lips. " I sneered as his face twisted, taking the insult seriously.

" Okay I know it's that thin but I'm not like that uncooked chicken. So how do we get out of here? "


I scanned the entire room. There isn't any sort of item that could help us. I looked over to him with a desperate look on my face. I began to panic, thinking of the worst possible things that could happen. Not to me, to him. I brought him into this mess. Fuck, his parents must be so worried. My aunt probably doesn't give a shit but-

" I'm sorry; "  I blurted,

" I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I get if you're mad or scared. I'm so sorry. "

His expression grew shock at the apology, then dissolved into a comforting smile.

" It's alright, it's not your fault. I'm not mad. Besides, it's not like we get kidnapped everyday, you get what I'm saying? " He laughs.

But I could hear the fear in his laugh. He's clearly terrified.

" But seriously, as much as we are scared shitless, we really need to get out of here. I hope my parents took notice of my absence and called the police or something. "

He's right. We need to get out of here.

That's when I remembered. During those days when I wasn't really bothered with Ayano.

" Hey don't you have those boy scout pocket knives thing-a-ma-bobs? You showed it to the class during physical education. When you cut the rope? "

His eyes brightened after those words slipped from my mouth.
" Yea! I have it with me! It's in my back pocket but I can't reach it. Could you- "

" Yes. " I answered immediately, shifting closer to him. My arm stretched out and towards his buttocks, his right buttcheek to be exact. My hand slipped into the pocket and pulled out the knife.

We both squealed with excitement and I started sawing through the rope that held him prisoner.

" Yes! " He said with delight, rubbing his arms and stretching his legs.

" Now for you; " He turns his head to the metal chains. He scratched his head and tugged at the chain.

" Okay wow where did she even get these. " He frowned.

I bit my lip. Looking around the room once more. Maybe a saw or a drill? The desk beside the door had a few pieces of paper, a tape recorder, a small bottle of water. Beside it had that wardrobe thing and underneath the table was an oil canister.


" Hey! Get that oil canister, maybe we can apply it around my legs and I might be able to slip out of the chains! " I pointed out to where it was.
Hayato turned his head towards the way I was pointing and quickly went over to get the oil canister. It had no opening apparently, it was just a metal packaging with oil plastered on the front.
I hope this isn't some joke
He whipped out his pocket knife and stabbed the metal box in the middle. To our relief, oil spilled from the opening and Hayato quickly poured it all over my feet.
Slowly, I pulled my left foot out of the chain and then my right. We jumped for joy as our 'brilliant' plan worked.

Stuck ( Ayano Aishi //yandere Chan x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now