38 :: texts

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i know it's late and you're probably still awake so after i send this i'm throwing my phone in the fucking atlantic ocean but i had a really good time today and i just can't keep this inside anymore.
it's you, Will. you're the guy i like.
you showed up in beacon hills and turned my whole world upside down and even though everything is confusing right now, i couldn't be happier. if !!!!!! was an emotion it'd be 100% accurate.
jesus christ, Godfrey. what are you doing to me.

will 😍👅💦💦🔥😘💘
u right i am awake
but wow newsflash you moron, i like you too

funfact, i'm 2 inches taller than spraybitch but three years younger rip
also aaron fuller is hot as FUCK

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