Birthday Surprise

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The next day, I got up to look for my brother. I wanted to ask if I could go home. "(Y/n)?" I turned and saw it was Aichi.

"Oh, hey. Good morning." I smiled at him.

"Hey umm... about Ren.." Aichi started and I immediately turned around.

"Sorry, but I have something to do." I said and walked away.

"Ah, (Y/n)! Wait!" I heard Aichi yell after me. I quickly went back into my room. I sighed and sat on my bed. I looked out my window. "I guess I could  take a walk outside. I went out and made sure to bring some money in case I ran into a food vendor, if I end up on the beach. 

~Aichi's pov~

I was going to chase after her when a hand landed on my shoulder. "Miwa-kun.." I said looking at him and he was looking in the direction that (Y/n) had run off to. 

"When she is ready, she'll come talk to us." He said and then turned to me with a smile. "Besides, we have a birthday to plan." he said and pulling me to the breakfast table with everyone.

"Whose birthday is it?" I asked Miwa when I sat down.

"(Y/n)'s Birthday." Kai answered me.

(I don't think I ever said readers age....)

"What age is she going to be?" Kamui asked.

"She's turning 15." Miwa said and smiled a bit sadly.

"Why do you look so sad? You should be smiling about all this. A birthday is a happy day." Emi said to Miwa.

"In truth, she never had a birthday party. Not one that actually was thrown by a family member at least." Miwa said scratching his head.

"What do you mean?" Morikawa asked.

"Our parents are always working. I always have school. (Y/n) has always been a good student so she doesn't get pre occupied with school work. She always has free time and she wanders around the city, looking at cakes and stuff on her birthday." Miwa said. "Whenever her birthday comes around, I'm always doing summer homework and never finish in time to wish her a happy birthday. Mom and dad always leave her a happy birthday card, and some money to buy herself a gift."

"So every year on her birthday, she has spent it alone?" I asked Miwa and he nodded.

"She finds it hard to make friends. I was glad when I heard about Foo Fighters and AL4, she has made some friends, and I was happy for her. She also had you guys. This year I want to spend her birthday with her." Miwa said smiling. "So, can you guys help?" He asked us.

"I'm in." I said smiling. One by one, everyone agreed to it.

"Alright, but we should keep it secret." Kamui said smiling. We then ate curry for breakfast, while thinking of what we could get her, or what kind of cake to get. 

~back to the reader~

I ended up on the beach. I walked around until I hear familiar voices. I turned my head to see it was everyone else. I laughed a bit at their silly antics. Kamui was doing a strange exercise with Morikawa, Aichi and Izaki. "Why are you all so embarrassing." I mumbled and laughed looking at them. I saw other people looking at them as well. Kai was in a card fight like usual. Miwa and the others were all playing around.

I went under an umbrella of an ice-cream place. I smiled looking at the others. "Would you like some ice cream?" I turned to the person who asked me and smiled. 

"Hey." I said as Miwa pulled a chair next to me.

"Where have you been?" He asked me passing me a popsicle.

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