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Today was the same as every other day. Breakfast, school, class, lunch, class, card capital, home, dinner, shower, sleep, repeat. The whole day, nothing fun happens except for the occasional card fights against my brother and Kai. I never had a fight against Aichi yet, but I really want to. When school ended I was walking with Aichi. "Sorry I never introduced myself before. I'm Miwa's little sister. (Y/n)." I smiled and held my hand out and he shook it.

"I-I'm Sendou Aichi.." he said nervously.

"I know who you are." I said giggling and looked at the sky, "Wanna come to the card shop with me?" I asked him.

"Oh, sure." he said and we were close to the gate when I heard yelling behind us. I turned around to see it was Morikawa and he running towards us.

"Yo, Aichi, (y/n)! Wait up!" he called out slung his arm over Aichi's shoulder and mine. "We're not going' straight home today, got it?" He said.

"I already was going with him!" I said and pushed his arm off my shoulders.

"Hey, you two. Don't just go home without sayin' anything." He said to us.

"It's not like I go home without Miwa.." I said and crossed my arms.

"Shush shorty the big kids are talking." He said and looked back at Aichi. "Why don't we stop by that place today, huh?"

I looked at his friend. "Am I that short?" I asked him.

"He's being men to you cause your friends with Kai, the guy who keeps beating him." Izaki said to me. 

".... bakakawa..." I muttered and watched as he dragged Aichi along with him.

"I'm going to show you just how strong I am. You'd better be prepared, Aichi." He said to him.

"..." I starred at Morikawa like he was an idiot. "Izuki... was he always like this?" I asked him.

"heheh.. yeah..." He smiled at me nervously.

"Wow...." I nodded and looked at the sky, "Why me?" I whined.

"You want to go another round with me, Morikawa?" Aichi asked him nervously.

"What, you're saying' I don't satisfy ya?" Morikawa out him in a headlock.

"No, that's not exactly what I meant..." Aichi said nervously.

"Well, then it's settled." Morikawa said. "Alrighty then, off we go!" He said cheering and walked out. I stood next to Aichi and Izuki.

"I am really sorry for you." I whispered into Aichi's ear.

He smiled back at me with a slight pink over his cheeks. When we got to Card Capital we were talking about normal things. When we went inside, I greeted Misaki and went to watch the fight. "My brother isn't here today?" I muttered looking around pouting. I put my bag next to Aichi's and pulled up a chair to watch. "Aichi, can I play you after you win?" I asked him smiling.

"Don't you believe in my skill?!" I heard Morikawa yell at me.

"Nope." I said looking at him with a deadpan stare.

"umm, sure okay.." Aichi said while shuffling his cards.

I smiled and watched the game. Aichi was definitely getting better at this game and his games were always fun to watch. I looked up to see a little girl looking at Aichi. She looked similar to him and I smiled a bit. I snapped back to reality when I heard Morikawa's voice. "I guards your attack with the super strong Tahr!" He said and placed it in the guardian circle. "10000 plus 8000 equals 18000! Your attack won't go through!" he said in confidence.

"Wait.." I muttered and then thought over the numbers in my head. "No, he can." I said aloud and looked at Aichi. "You tell him." I said and looked over his cards.

"What is it?" Morikawa asked us.

"umm, okay.." Aichi looked down at the play mat. "See? When Blaster Blade is supported by Wingal, it's power is 13000, 9000 plus 4000. Then when you add in Wingal's own power of 6000..." Aichi said waiting for Morikawa to calculate it.

"19000 total, yeah..." he said looking at the cards. (Did you guys get that number?? Cause I got 19000)

"Plus..." Aichi said reaching for his deck.

"What?" Morikawa looked up frowning.

"The drive trigger, stupid." I said and looked at Aichi.

"Yeah, we turn over a card for a drive trigger..." he picked up the card and looked at it. I leaned over and saw the card and I laughed leaning my head on Aichi's shoulder.

"You are very lucky in your draws." I giggled.

"Epona? That's a critical trigger!" Izuki said.

"Power plus 5000." Aichi said smiling. "And damage plus 1!" He said happily.

"That's 6 damage" I said to Morikawa.

"I... lost..." he dropped his head onto his arm.

"Yeah, no kidding. Aichi has no damage!" Izuki said.

"What!?" Morikawa shot up looking at Aichi. "You're right! What's the meaning of this?!" He complained, "Damn it!" He yelled.

I laughed and leaned on Aichi for support, "God, you're so bad at this game bakakawa." I said and  teased him.

"Be quiet!" He pointed at me. "I just have horrible luck today!" he said.

"(Y/n)-san.." I looked at Aichi and I got off of him.

"Sorry Aichi." I said and smiled at him, "It was a great game." I said and pat his shoulder.

Aichi leaned back on the chair and sighed. "Aichi!" I looked up to see the source of the sound, and it was the girl from earlier. 

"Emi!" I looked at him and he seemed panicked. "Umm... she's my...."

"So the reason you've been coming home late is because you've been going here?" she asked walking up to him.

"Y-yeah.." Aichi said nervously.

She took some of Aichi's cards. "This is Vanguard..." she said looking at them. "And this is... Blaster Blade. This is what you've been doing.." she said casually.

"Emi, umm..." Aichi stood up and was nervous.

"Aichi, you've changed a little. Is it really that fun?" She asked.

"Yeah." Aichi said smiling at her.

Morikawa and Izuki leaned forward. "Girlfriend? Naw, it couldn't be." I leaned in as well.

"You two are really bad at whispering." I said.

"I told you, she's my sister." Aichi scratched the back of his neck.

"Right.." Morikawa said leaning back.

"Would you play again for me?" Emi asked. "It's fun right? Do it again!" She said to him.

"Uh... well..." He looked at Morikawa and Izuki then at me.

"Alrighty then!" Morikawa said excited for a rematch. "This time I'm gonna show you what I'm really made of!"

"Do it!" Emi cheered him on.

He looked at me, "Can I reschedule our fight for another time?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it's fine by me." I said smiling at him.

"Sorry.." He smiled at me and sat down to play with Morikawa.

I felt a buzz on my lap. I opened my phone. "You're late." I read the text. I looked at the time and bit my lip. "Have fun!" I said giving Aichi a quick hug and waved bye to the others and ran off. I ran to where I usually go to practice my card fighting.

When I got there I saw Asaka. "Tetsu is waiting for you."

"Yeah, sorry." I smiled at her and we both walked into the FF building.......


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Cardfight! Vanguard (Aichi x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt