Chapter 25

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About two minutes after Ben hit the ground, there were guards in the cell, they came barging in, hit me in the back of the legs with a baton and it was all over. Two guards grabbed me and dragged me away from the cell and two others stayed with Ben, whilst they called for the doctor. I hadn't wanted to hurt him per se, I mean he was a nice guy, but I needed to get into solitary and I knew he wouldn't fight back, plus he was the only guy I had ever really spoken too.

Not to mention I had spent three weeks in a cell with him and although he was a nice guy he was one of the most annoying people I had ever come into contact with. So I could honestly say it wasn't the first time in the previous twenty-one days that I had wanted to punch him in the face.

But Ben was taken to the infirmary, apparently I had fucked him up a little more than I had intended, but he was alive, that made it okay. However it got me into solitary, which was my aim. The two guards dragged me straight down there, threw me into a cell and slammed the door.

The place was a shithole, there was nobody about, the food was ten times worse than it was in the block, and there was virtually no light. For several days I did nothing I sat in the cell, I slept much more than usual, I ate when the food came – even though I thought I was going to be sick most of the time after I ate it – I walked around the yard when I was let out, and I showered when I was taken to the shower.

I think if I was a more social person, a person who was driven more to talk to other people or who felt the need to communicate I might have gone mad, but I liked being alone so I was okay. For all the time I was awake and stuck in the cell I scanned every tiny detail of every inch of the walls and window and door. When I was cuffed and guided from place to place, I examined every detail and every inch of every corridor and room.

Everything looked terribly secure. Every door was locked with a swipe card lock which every guard had one of, but it was in the inside pocket of their jackets. I was never going to get hold of it.

Slowly I was losing hope, particularly as not once was there a young guard, the youngest guard who passed was a middle aged black man, who was actually rather nice and often let me have an extra five minutes outside, but most certainly wasn't breaking any rules. For the first few days there was another man in solitary too, he was a rather pessimistic fairly old guy, but he went back to the cell block so it was just me.

The nice black guard – whose name I couldn't remember – had four two hour shifts a day, he came in at six and worked until eight, before he had an hour break, then another two hour shift and an hour break. He started again at midday, worked for two hours, then an hour's break, then another two hours, before he went home. During his breaks there was a really grumpy middle aged fat guy who covered the black guy. At six in the evening there were two guys, they did four hours in one, then an old guy came in at ten and stayed until two am, although he usually slept – but then again I was the only who needed guarding and I was normally asleep for a solid twelve hours from six until six. At two in the morning he was replaced by another fairly old guy who was very skinny and read the newspaper, if I was awake he'd sometimes read it out to me, but he was a bitch never the less.

After a week, the nice black man stopped and was replaced by a young man, I was immediately aware of who he was.

"Morning Way." He came in on his first day hammering loudly on my cell door, throwing the flap open and staring in at me as I stared at him from the bed. "You alright?" He chuckled looking awfully confused that I was confused, but I mean you couldn't blame me; none of the other guards ever spoke to me, except to yell at me if I said anything, at all.

"Yes," I said cautiously raising an eyebrow at him, "Yes I'm fine thank you."

"Apparently you broke a guy's nose, fractured his cheek bone and broke his jaw last week in block?" He raised his eyebrows worriedly as he smiled sadly into the cell at me, a smile spread across my face as I chuckled and stared down at my thighs beneath me. "Proud?"

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