Chapter 10

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It was a nice night outside as the two kings strolled out into the massive garden, so Salvador broke the silence. "Alright Bari, what's the matter with you?" asked Salvador with a silly smile after having called Baritorin his pet name.

"Well Sal, immediately after the whole spilling issue with my human servants, I took them back to my quarters and gave them a good telling-off for what they did. In my drunken state, I was a bit too harsh in my reprimanding and... I may have thrown a large cup at them. After that their attitudes towards me changed for the worse. I've wanted to apologise for what happened but I can never seem to find them. It hurts me because I really like them and now I feel as if I've ruined the bond that I had with them. I sent them a note telling them that I wasn't angry any more, but that seemed to have actually made things worse", explained Baritorin.

Salvador had children of his own, so he knew what it was like when children acted funny after a good scolding. So, he knew exactly what to tell Baritorin.

"After hearing your story, I think I know what you need to do", began Salvador, "You see Bari, when you scold children and they don't react the way that you want them to, it's usually because they don't understand what they've done wrong. As far as they are concerned, what they did to you may have seemed like just a harmless prank. You need to explain to them, FACE-TO-FACE, why the incident upset you so much and why it was wrong. That way they may see it from your point of view" finished Salvador wisely.

"By the way, did they ask you for forgiveness?" asked Salvador.

"No, they didn't ask for forgiveness. They got on their knees and begged me to forgive them, and I paid absolutely no heed to their pleas", answered Baritorin, in a voice filled with regret.

"Ah, you see that is actually the first part of this process. You need to let them know that you have forgiven them. That also needs to be face-to-face. Once you tell them that, the "explaining why they are wrong" part becomes even easier", explained Salvador.

"As much as what you've said makes complete sense, there is still one other problem. I can never find them. You saw how shocked I was when Ella, the human who served you, showed up. I try and try but I just never find them", stated Baritorin.

Salvador then rolled his eyes and put on a mocking smile. "Didn't Armana make you second in command in her castle? Use that to your advantage. Since you can't find them, make them come to you instead."

Baritorin smiled. Once again good old Sal had come to his rescue with his amazing advice. "Thanks a lot Sal. I owe you one for helping me".

"Any time Bari. Now come on let's go get some dessert before Armana and the others eat all of it without us", replied king Salvador. With that, the two royal men exited the cool garden and returned to the meal.

That evening, after all the royals had left, Baritorin was dwelling on the advice that Salvador had given him. He knew that the sooner he acted on it, the better it would be for both him and the children. He pondered on how he could use his power to get the children to come to him, without using actual force. He didn't want to tell the guards to drag them here. That would just make them more afraid.

He was just about to give up when a small thought popped in his head. As he thought over the idea, he mentally face-palmed for not thinking of that idea sooner. He could just simply demand that the human children bring in his breakfast for the following day. Then they would have no choice but to do it.

Although it was a good plan, there was still a loophole. In the past when they did bring his breakfast, he would still not get to see them as they would make off before he was woken up. The king decided that he would have to pull a bit of a sneaky trick on the children. But he would need the help of the maiden that normally woke him up, so that night he called for her. When she arrived and demanded to know what he desired, he laid out his instructions for her.

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