Lucy and Natsu #2

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I thought I would try a funny chapter, while I plan out and think about steamy scenes I can include in the next instalment of this book. I hope you like it XD
If you do, then comment your opinions. Just thought this could provide a break between some lemons, and I know it's early on but I had this idea and I had to write it down to see what you guys thought... I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. 😘 Don't forget, vote and comment on what pairing you want to read get down and dirty XD 

"NATSU!!!! I am going to hit you so hard in your stupid face with my fist, I will punch you so hard that if you EVER 'accidentally' roast my outfit again, you will be producing flames out of your ass for the next five years!!!" Yelled a very, very angry Lucy. She was looking rather pretty, dressed in a purple long dress, which she had changed into as her usual attire of white and blue... Was well, in ashes......In Fact Lucy wasn't just angry... She was furious. Twelve times in the past month, let me repeat... TWELVE TIMES!! The salmon haired Dragon Slayer had set a lite to Lucy's, extremely expensive, outfits. To be fair Natsu had acquired a cold off of Gajeel and was constantly sneezing, but was trying to recover in Lucy's bed. And much to The blonde wizards dismay this meant that every time Natsu sneezed, she would lose a possession to the dragon slayers breath.
"I'm sorry Lucy, I really can't help it. I would turn away but that would mean barbecuing Happy and I can't do that to my buddy." Protested Natsu
Happy smirked at Lucy mischievously and taunted her,
"I'm better than Lucy !" he carried on unawares to a glare so harsh that would cause even Erza to cower.
"I'm better than Lucy!!" Natsu started laughing but had to hold his breath as he felt the heat of Lucy's glare project onto himself.
The enraged girl pointed her finger into Natsu's chest,
Both poor boys looked up at Lucy, scared to bat an eyelash. Alas nothing seems to go smoothly for either one, as Natsu feels a tickle at his nose, he tries to ignore it and holds his breath to prevent Lucy from exploding with fury and potentially kicking wizard butt.
Oh he held his breath, he held his breath to the point that poor Natsu's face was turning pink, Scarlett then purple. Natsu did the worst thing he could do... He let go.
Lucy froze, Lucy sniffed... There was that incessant burning smell....
And as Lucy stood there in the remains of her underwear, thats was when the shit hit the fan.
".....Grrr....arghh....HMMMM.....NATSU, YOUR FUCKING DEAD BOY!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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