After Hours

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Sera went to her locker at the end of the day, trying to figure out a way to stall her return home for as long as possible. As she stood at her locker she was completely unaware of the woman standing at the end of the hallway staring at her in complete curiosity.

Regina Mills stared at the young girl in wonder. After that morning she expected nothing less than the entire school to be buzzing about her sexual orientation. But the girl had kept her promise, and not a word had been said about it to anyone.

She had gone through the students file, along with several others to understand what type of kids she would be dealing with, and she was happily surprised at the information she found. Seraphina Carnelley was nothing short of amazing. The seventeen year old girl was top of every last one of her classes. She was currently a T.A. for three different teachers, and from what she read in her recommendation letters, handled the chaos with complete ease. She also played the violin first chair, as well as the guitar and piano. She was also a soprano in girls ensemble, and as Regina came to expect, the best in the group. The girl was on top of everything yet incredibly humble. Regina had never come across another person in general, let alone a student, that was so well put together.

The only thing the girl didn't know how to handle, apparently, was being social. All of her reports stated that she became uneasy at even the mention of group projects. She would get her work done, but never went out of the way to socialize. From the teacher's comments, Regina gathered that she only really talked to one girl, a Jamie Oliver. The reports show they had been great friends long before high school, and while Jamie was friends with a large group of people, Sera never showed any interest in talking to anyone else. This made Regina wonder why a girl so put together was so disinterested in making friends.

So she continued to watch the girl fumble with her locker, obviously not paying attention to what it is she was doing. The girl seemed bored out of her mind, and before Regina could comprehend what was happening, she was at her side.

"Shouldn't you be getting home? I haven't seen anyone willing to be at school after the last bell."

Sera looked at the woman completely shocked; she hadn't even been aware that there was someone next to her until Ms. Mills spoke up. Thinking she should answer her at some point, she cleared her throat and spoke to the woman.

"Well I have orchestra practice at six and I would much rather just hang around until then, instead of walking all the way home just to turn around and walk back."

"Oh you don't drive?" Regina was surprised to hear this because her drivers education teacher had made note that Sera was one of the only students to get a perfect score on her written test.

"I have my license, but don't have a car, sadly." Sera looked away and fiddled with her books a little more, trying to hide the anger that she was one of the only people in her grade that didn't own a car.

"Oh well, if you don't mind, since you're not doing anything right now anyway, could you help me out with some work? It will keep you occupied until it's time to go to orchestra." Regina had no clue why she was being this nice to a student. She should've been stern and established her role in the school, but the girl seemed much more mature than anyone else and she believed there was no real reason not to be nice, as she had kept a very important secret for Regina.

Sera thought about the amount of work she would more than likely have to do for the new vice principal, but the workload did seem thirty times better than what she usually did, which was sit at her locker and play games on her phone. So she closed her locker and turned to the woman. She affirmed her ability to help, and Regina smiled gratefully at her. The two then proceeded to walk towards the vice principals office.

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