But it seemed fake. A regular man can just come up with that in their heads...can they? But...he had to have gotten that from somewhere...

Oh my gosh, I'm becoming as crazy as that man.

I head to my door and unlock it, going inside as I lock the door quickly after shutting it.

"Jack! You won't believe this guy I just met!" I call, walking around as I enter his room. He's sitting on his bed, with his laptop on his lap as earplugs were in. He pulled them out, looking at me curiously as I plopped down on his bed.

"What guy? You seem to always attract the weirdest ones."

"I know. But, his name was Liam Brexon Couteau, he-."

"Couteau?" Jack interrupted, raising his eyebrows as he started sitting up in the bed.

"Yes...but he said he came to America to hunt - get ready for this... Werewolves! Humans walking this earth then at midnight turning into wild wolfs! Isn't that the stupidest thing you've ever heard!?" I laugh as he frowned, quickly typing something into his computer.

As I wait he turns it towards me, showing as I see Liam's last name in bold letters on a magazine. Obviously this was taken down before published because it sounded and looked insane and most likely would ruin the brand of magazines.

' The Couteau's. Already Took Down The British Werewolves, Now It's The American Werewolves Turn!' I snort as I close his laptop shut, making him smirk.

"I've heard about them. I think they made headlines when their family arrived. Mostly full of males and only one female. But she's the daughter of one of the sons. But pretty much, that's it. Father, his ten sons, and one of the sons daughter. Their mother was killed by a supposed-" Jack raised his fingers and curled them over and over in sarcasm-" werewolf. So they wanted to kill all the Werewolves.

"Honestly it's ridiculous because why waste your lives trying to kill something you'll never find? But everyone in Great Britain says they killed all he Werewolves in existence, probably just killed random people for sport... It's a weird thing to think about actually." He shakes his head and I open his laptop, going to Safari.

"Isn't 'Couteau' French?" I ask him and he nods, since he took French classes in high school.

"Yes. I think it means-."

"Knife." My head whips around and I see Liam, the man I ran away from behind us. I gasp as I'm now rushing next to Jacks side.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I hiss and he shrugs, pointing his thumb out towards the door.

"You should lock it more securely next time. I hate when people run away from me. I never got to finish my story. But it seems like your friend finished it before me. But he only had bits and pieces of it."

"Who cares! Get out!" I yell as he sits on the edge of his bed, getting comfortable. "Do you not understand the words 'get-."

"Forget it he won't leave. Lets just listen." Jack interrupts and Liam smiles.

"Finally, I can start talking about me. You already know my name, but my family is more than werewolf hunters. We also collect knives to kill the wolves with. Like this one for example." He dug in the pocket he was frantically digging in when we were in the elevator. When he pulled out the knife it didn't look like knife at all.

This 'knife' had glowing liquid that was a light neon yellow color in the lining of the handle. The metal was curled and had some pointy ridges in the sides. The point had a tiny hole at the top that had liquid oozing out of it as some fell on Jacks bed.

"This liquid helps kill the Werewolves very easily. Antifreeze. Their bodies will slowly lose its regulating temperature, then, slowly, they'll shut down and lose all ability to move. Breath. Speak. Think. Everything...slowly dying as they can feel their bodies shutting down. And they can't do anything about it..." Liam looked at the knife and ran it across his finger. I glanced at Jack as we both had our noses scrunched up in disgust.


"But on humans it wouldn't have the same effect. But something is different about the wolfs immune system that makes the antifreeze work even faster. On a average human, it'd about a few days for it to take effect. Amazing," he looked at us and smiled,"Isn't it?"

"Get out." I heard Jack yell, getting off the bed as he grabbed Liam's arm, pulling him up as he tried getting him towards the front door. I followed as I watched it all go down. Even making Liam drop his knife, which I don't think he realized he did once he was out the room.

I picked it up as Jack was locking the door and putting the chain into the lock. When he faced me I showed him the knife, making him shake his head.

"He's crazy. I hope you don't get any ideas with that knife. He's crazy, everything about him is crazy. I'm going to bed, this is ridiculous." He sighed and walked around me as he closed his door.

I laid the knife down on the counter, going into my room as I put on a sports bra and yoga pants. I put some contacts on, knowing it would be humid out and not wanting my glasses to be foggy.

As I left I made sure to really lock the door and have my phone. I don't know where Liam is but I'm taking the back stairs just in case.

Once I was out the building I jogged behind the building, trying to find a way from behind and to get out the area. But as I did so I heard something. I don't know what it was but it made me jog faster.

As I looked up at the sky I realized it was sunset, that's just great, it's twilight. I couldn't see the sun, so it was dark back here and it smelled funny. The shade the building was providing caused it to be dark and it wasn't helping that two buildings were caving me in.

This is a nice apartment complex, but still, who knows what could be lurking around! I stop jogging as I try to steady my breathing, looking around as I looked behind me real quick. But I couldn't help with this damn gut feeling inside me. Telling me to go back...


Hoped you guys liked this! Always go with your gut feeling, you never know when someone will some up and - BOO! Just kiddin, luv ya!

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